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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

Watch: Zelensky Says 'It's The World's Fault' That Russia Is Gaining

•, by Tyler Durden

Ukraine's front lines in the region have been collapsing amid a major new Russian cross-border offensive.

"Brigades are not totally equipped because of the package, which we waited through for eight months," he told ABC News during the visit. He was referencing the delayed $61 billion Ukraine aid package which was recently passed and signed into effect by President Biden.

He was specifically asked by a reporter whether he blames the United States for the military setbacks. That's when he asserted: 

"It's the world's fault. They gave the opportunity for Putin to occupy. But now the world can help."

But he still seemed to lash out at Washington in particular, given the short supply of US-made Patriot systems. "All we need are two Patriot systems. Russia will not be able to occupy Kharkiv if we have those," he said.

Weeks ago a Ukrainian outlet quoted Zelensky who has been seeking to ramp up the pressure on his backers in NATO:

"Regarding the number of missiles to Patriots, we really expect a positive result in this regard. Thank God that after we convened the Ukraine-NATO Council, we received an assurance that there will be no delays in the process (of supplying missiles to the Patriot systems - ed.), Volodymyr Zelensky said.

EU foreign policy chief Josep Borrell has also been urging allies to act fast, saying last month: "I don't have Patriots in Brussels, they are in the capitals, and it is up to them to take decisions."

European countries have been consistently told of late they must 'sacrifice' their anti-air defenses as protection of their own populations isn't as pressing an issue at this point.