IPFS Stephen Lendman

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NYT Hypes False Accusations of Russia Cyberattacks to Influence US Elections

NYT Hypes False Accusations of Russian Cyberattacks to Influence US Elections

by Stephen Lendman

Instead of debunking politically motivated false charges, a deplorable New York Times feature article highlighted them.

Claiming revelations from WikiLeaks, DCLeaks and Guccifer 2.0 are "associated with Russian intelligence" is one among numerous other Big Lies, bashing its government irresponsibly.

The formal accusation followed John Kerry shamelessly calling for Moscow and Damascus to be investigated for war crimes in Aleppo and elsewhere in Syria - accusing their forces of crimes committed by US-supported terrorists, along with Pentagon-led "coalition" warplanes.

The Times failed to explain baseless accusations in both cases - no credible evidence supporting them, politically motivated propaganda substituting for hard truths consistently suppressed.

A separate motive is vilifying Trump for calling Putin a better leader than Obama, one of many ways of denigrating him - continuing one-sided support for Hillary.

He's right about things likely rigged to anoint her Obama's successor - her anti-Russia posture and rage for war a prescription for possible direct confrontation.

Separately, Wall Street Journal editors shamelessly bashed Putin, highlighting baseless DHS/DNI accusations of US electoral meddling, along with Kerry shamelessly calling for investigations into (nonexistent) Syrian and Russian war crimes.

Barely stopping short of urging war on Russia, Journal editors asked "will Mr. Obama continue to let Mr. Putin get away with" what he's (falsely) accused of.

Fact: The whole world knows Russia had nothing to do with hacking DNC emails. Nor does any evidence show it interferes in the electoral processes of any nations.

Fact: Russia and Syria are courageously combatting US-supported terrorism, a cancer vital to defeat.

Fact: Washington, its rogue partners and terrorist groups they support alone continue committing war crimes in Syria - suppressed by The Times, Wall Street Journal and other Western media scoundrels.

A previous article asked if war between the world's dominant nuclear powers is inevitable? Will Hillary, Obama's likely successor, launch it?

Are things headed for a doomsday scenario? Former French leader Georges Clemenceau once said "(w)ar is too important to be left to the generals."

Today he might have added nor to lunatic neocons infesting Washington!

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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