IPFS Stephen Lendman

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Hillary's American Legion Address: A Near-Declaration of War on Russia

Hillary's American Legion Address: A Near-Declaration of War on Russia

by Stephen Lendman

The shocking prospect of Hillary succeeding Obama should scare everyone. 

No likely future US leader ever represented a greater threat to world peace and humanity's survival than she does - an unparalleled menace, a chilling red alert to where things seem heading, a possible doomsday scenario unfolding in plain sight while no one's paying attention.

UK politician Simon Parkes lays out a possible WW III scenario, believing Germany's Angela Merkel may be used as a modern-day Archduke Ferdinand to provoke conflict with Russia.

Days earlier, a possible assassination attempt on her was foiled during her visit to Prague, an armed man in a vehicle trying to join her motorcade stopped and detained.

According to Parkes, Western monied interests believe the solution to precarious world economic conditions adversely affecting business is global war for its profit potential. 

He envisions a scheme to provoke belligerence against Russia, launching WW III. Whether he's right or wrong remains to be seen.

Clearly, US hostility toward Russia risks the unthinkable. Possible East/West confrontation is too great a risk to ignore - especially if Hillary succeeds Obama, a war goddess, a neocon Russophobe. 

In Cincinnati on Wednesday, she addressed the American Legion's national convention, a militant right-wing federally chartered veterans' organization founded post-WW I in 1919.

Touting American exceptionalism along with calling the US an indispensable nation, she called for military strength to counter nonexistent "threats from…Russia, China, Iran and North Korea."

She wants more spent on US militarism and belligerence than already on the pretext of unsafe world conditions, solely because of US imperial adventurism.

She blamed Russia irresponsibly for hacking DNC emails, saying "(a)s president, I will make it clear, that the United States will treat cyber attacks like any other attack. We will be ready with serious political, economic and military responses."

She barely stopped short of announcing plans for war on Russia, China, Iran and North Korea with her as commander-in-chief of America's military - a WW III scenario if launched, likely with nuclear weapons risking humanity's survival.

She'll "make sure America's (nuclear) arsenal is prepared to meet future threats." None exist except ones lunatics in Washington invent.

She blasted Trump for not being as militantly hardline as she is, irresponsibly claiming he's too soft on Russia, accusing him of political ties to Putin.

Endless wars will continue on her watch as president, including possible nuclear confrontation with Russia and other sovereign independent nations challenging America's quest for unchallenged global dominance.

Trump addressed legionnaires on Thursday, following Clinton the previous day. Not to be overshadowed, he hyped a policy of "peace through strength," saying "(n)obody will be able to compete with us" militarily.

He pledged to "be uncompromising in the defense of the United States and our friends and our good allies." 

"We are going to end the era of nation-building, and create a new foreign policy - joined by our partners in the Middle East - that is focused on destroying ISIS and radical Islamic terrorism."

He failed to explain the way to do it by cutting off military and other support from Washington and its rogue allies. These groups can't exist without foreign backing.

No matter who succeeds Obama, US imperial madness will remain the world's greatest existential threat - nuclear war less likely under Trump along with perhaps a better chance for more normal relations with Russia than currently or with Hillary as US leader.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: How the US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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