IPFS Stephen Lendman

More About: Russia

Putin Calls for Defending Russia from Potential Threats, Provocations or Aggressive Acts

Putin Calls for Defending Russia from Potential Threats, Provocations or Aggressive Acts

by Stephen Lendman

Clearly with hostile US-dominated NATO in mind, Putin addressed Russian military and law enforcement school graduates.

He explained "the invisible ties and continuity between the many generations of defenders of our Motherland" - certain future Russian leaders were in attendance among their numbers.

He called military strength "a weighty argument against any provocation," promising continued modernization and strengthening of Russian forces.

"A modern and well-equipped army and navy are a guarantee of the Motherland's sovereignty and independence, as well as of our citizens' security," he stressed. 

"They are a weighty argument against any attempts to provoke us, against blackmail or pressure on our country. I have no doubt that you understand this well."

"We remain committed to doing everything it takes to enhance the prestige and status of the military. Primarily, we will continue to develop the system of social guarantees that has undergone significant improvements in recent years."

"Today we are working to solve a lot of large-scale tasks. But strengthening our military forces is definitely is definitely the most important of them all."

"The strategic course for modernization and perfection of the military forces remains unchanged. The operation of our air force and our navy in Syria has confirmed that this course had been correct and that it had been implemented effectively." 

"We will continue to optimize the structure and numbers of our army and navy and take the system of coordination between units to a new level, including the coordination with our allies."

"(E)mphasis will be on (equipping Russian troops with) the most advanced high-precision arms, advanced hardware and communication devices."

He stressed a national commitment to "be ready to respond quickly and adequately to any potential threats…provocation(s) (or) aggressive actions."

He's well aware of Washington wanting Russia turned into another US vassal state, its sovereignty destroyed, its resources plundered, its people exploited, its vast land mass partitioned for easier control.

He's committed to do whatever it takes to prevent it - while going all-out for global peace and stability, stressing the importance of mutual cooperation among all nations.

Stephen Lendman lives in Chicago. He can be reached at lendmanstephen@sbcglobal.net. 

His new book as editor and contributor is titled "Flashpoint in Ukraine: US Drive for Hegemony Risks WW III."


Visit his blog site at sjlendman.blogspot.com. 

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