IPFS Greg J Dixon

Words Eye View

More About: Religion: Believers

Resolution on the Federal Incarceration of Dr. Kent Hovind

Resolution on the Federal Incarceration of Dr. Kent Hovind

Unregistered Baptist Fellowship

Meeting at

Victory Baptist Church, Paducah, KY

Oct. 20-22, 2014

Whereas, Dr. Kent Hovind has committed his life to proclaiming and defending the Gospel of Christ and;

Whereas, Hovind has lived an impeccable life as an example for every Christian and;

Whereas, Hovind sued the federal government seeking redress for false imprisonment, his government is now seeking to add additional years to his sentence for "frivolous" encumbering the government and;      

Whereas, Hovind who has no previous criminal record has served nine years in federal prisons for a nonviolent alleged crime while some rapists and killers have received probation and;

Whereas, all honest and informed people know that Hovind was incarcerated by an oppressive, out of control federal government;

Therefore be it resolved, that Dr. Hovind be released from prison with an apology from federal officials;

Be it Further resolved, that all monies and property confiscated by federal officials be returned to Dr. Hovind with 10% interest.  

Voted on and approved by those assembled at the UBF in Paducah, KY on Oct. 20- 22, 2014.

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Dr. Hovind's trial has been rescheduled for Jan. 5th at 8 pm at the Federal Court Building in Pensacola, Florida. 
