IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Spirituality

Judgment: Higher Frequencies of Human Consciousness

Make your life like a mighty river of love flowing out of your heart.  Such  consciousness will return with a flood of friends, joy and happiness.
(This metal horse represents the intricacies of life interwoven into every work of art, every human being and every living creature on this planet.)
While in high school, most of us made judgments of other students.  Guys and gals always talked about someone else’s foibles, failures or looks.  “She thinks she’s so hot,” said one student.  “He’s a primadonna,” said another.   “Man, she’s so fat, she can’t squeeze through a barnyard gate,” cried another.  
In college, you made comparisons and judgments.  Others made them about you. At the office, fellow employees make judgments and more comparisons every day.  “She doesn’t know how to buy a dress,” said one co-worker.  “He doesn’t polish his shoes and looks like a bum,” said another.  The list never ends. 
During my own lifetime, I am guilty of making comparisons and judgments.  For years, I always made comments of about fat guys and fat women.  “Man, why is she wearing a dress that makes her look like a blimp in a hotdog bun?”  “She gives Lycra a bad name.”   “That guys is so skinny, he’s got to jump around in the shower to get wet.”  “She looks great on top, but her rear-end looks like two Volkswagens parked side-by-side.” 
Then one day, I saw an obese lady in a wheel-chair driven around by an electric  motor.  I thought to myself, “How do you make a judgment of someone so obese they can no longer walk?”    Do I feel good when I make such judgments?  What do I get out of it?
It dawned on me that everyone in this life faces their own demons, their pitfalls and their own challenges that I have no idea of their struggle.  Thus, why should I send my verbal or mental negative energies out into the world toward them?  Not only does it harm my thought patterns, but also it thrusts those negative thoughts into the field of life.  What good does it do me or do them?  If I speak to a friend, it only colors their minds about that person and, ultimately about me.
In your life, you will refrain from making judgments or comparisons once you understood the universal law of energy that flows out of your mind and back into your mind by your thoughts or words.  The universe reciprocates your energy whether good or otherwise.
One of the points I learned on this life path: when you think on a higher level of trust, love and honoring—you engage higher vibrational frequencies of your mind.  If you choose thoughts or verbiage on the negative scale, you lower your vibrational pulsations, which in turn, lower your trusting of the living process.
Please realize that you acquire the grit and grime of daily living.  It covers your heart.  It disappoints you.  It hurts your feelings.  It may depress you.  Yet, beneath all of it, you remain the perfect child of the universe.  You may choose the higher vibrational frequencies to carry you to the next challenge. 
·      Listen for the higher frequencies at every juncture with word, deed or thought.
·      Avoid the disease of judgment or comparison.
·      Remember that preparation and opportunity equal coincidence.
·      Listen to the voice of good in your river flowing from your heart.
·      Move forward with spiritual integrity.
Finally, have you ever attended the symphony?  Notice before the program, people chatter in a din of anticipation.  The musicians practice with their instruments and all seems to be in chaos.  But once the conductor gives three taps of his baton on the podium, the audience quiets.  The musicians fall silent. The lights dim.  The conductor takes center stage.
You too may quiet your spirit in anticipation for the opportunity to hear and cooperate with a higher frequency of living.  Move forward with integrity of thought and word.  Pull out of the chaos with your mental “baton” to command the moment.  Notice your life represents a “higher” symphony by your choices.