IPFS Mike Renzulli

More About: Conspiracies

RFK, Jr. Denies Lone Gunman

It will be fifty years this November that President John Fitzgerald Kennedy would be gunned down in Dallas, Texas and already news reports are surfacing that conspiracy theorists will be taking full advantage of the city's efforts to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death of the 35th President of the United States. Conspiracists obviously think they can cash in even more than they have before since many are pushing to have their views included in the commemoration events claiming First Amendment rights. Even Robert Fitzgerald Kennedy, Jr. went on record recently giving credence to conspiracy theories that speculate about his uncle's unfortunate and untimely demise. Kennedy stated that he believed there was a second gunman that killed his uncle and thrashed the Warren Commission's findings stating his father thought it was a shoddy piece of craftsmanship.

However, what conspiracists will never acknowledge is not only that their ability to discuss the issues they raise are not being abridged but that their overall speculation has been debunked time and again. For example, in his book Voodoo Histories: The Role of Conspiracy in Shaping Modern History, author David Aaronovich gives an overview of the events that took place after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Conspiracy theories began to swirl around JFK's death shortly after it took place. Two independent commissions, for example, formed to investigate Kennedy's death due to the doubts raised about the Warren Commission's findings.

However, as Aaronovich points out, the (albeit circumstantial) evidence pointing to Lee Harvey Oswald as being the lone gunman is overwhelming. He states that Oswald worked at the Texas School Book Depository in which the rifle used to carry out the act was discovered in a self-made sniper's nest. Eyewitnesses stated they saw a man in the sixth floor window along with his rifle barrel as well as heard the shots fired. Oswald was also the only Book Depository employee unaccounted for after the assassination occurred. He was later arrested at a movie theater not far from the scene where he shot and killed Dallas police officer J.D. Tippit. Oswald exchanged words with Tippit in which the officer stopped Oswald for matching the description of the gunman wanted for Kennedy's death.

In 2010 author Michael Shermer visited Dealey Plaza where the Kennedy shooting took place and interviewed several conspiracy theorists who were there giving informal tours before taking an actual tour of the area on his own. Ironically, Shermer was in Dallas filming a special for the Canadian Broadcast Company on the subject of conspiracy theories. One person he encountered alleged so many people were involved in John F. Kennedy's death that the perpetrators would have needed a facility the size of a small football field to plot killing the President. If one looks at the way Dealey Plaza is layed out, Michael Shermer says, the distance of the building and where Lee Harvey Oswald (who was a former Marine sharpshooter) positioned himself to carry out his heinous act, as well as the speed of which Kennedy's limousine (ten miles per hour), you can see that JFK didn't have a chance.

It should also be noted that on April 23rd 1962 seven months prior to killing Kennedy, Oswald sought to assassinate former Army Major General Edwin Walker who was a staunch, high profile, anti-Communist activist at the time. Because of Walker's activities, Oswald attempted to kill the General but was not prosecuted and set free for the attempt on Walker's life due to lack of evidence. There is no evidence of a second gunman having shot President Kennedy nor any other parties (such as the MAFIA) being involved in his assassination. Lee Harvey Oswald's wife, Marina, gave sworn testimony to the Warren Commission that Oswald was involved in the attempt on the life of Edwin Walker with the same Carcano rifle Lee Oswald used to assassinate Kennedy.

As to RFK, Jr.'s belief in a second gunman, it is a belief and nothing else. Like I stated earlier, none of the evidence points to a second gunman much less to other parties involved in the tragic death of President John Fitzgerald Kennedy. Any articulation to the contrary is nothing more than speculation and attempts at publicity depending on the extent to which the party attempts to highlight their hypothesis or claim. All the conspiracy theories surrounding President Kennedy's death are good for are to sell books and nothing else. In short, Earth to Representative Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Your uncle was assassinated on November 22, 1963 by a gunman named Lee Harvey Oswald who acted alone in the shooting.

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by Dracula Tepish
Entered on:

this idiot :David Aaronovich says there was one hitman there that day well he is very wrong start with a fact there were two oswalds seen that day in two differents spots and the time clocks shows you cant be in two different places at the same time so give it up with your lame bs also recorded on police transmission of many shots not one being fired at the same time  okay explain that one away huh then we have the men spotted one was e howard hunt and the other was some sitcoms "Cheers" father then to make it clear here 2 + 2 dont equal 4 in this aspect of the murder of jfk sr cant leave out scherff jr who was seen there that day oh excuse me george h bush sr 

was seen in dallas that day he was one  of the shooters  that day then throw in the book by baron avro manhattan the vaticans holocausts to prove a point here the jfk had dissed the pope of that time for in his famous video were he is  talking about invisible organizations   add south vietnam run by three jesuit priest who were killing and forcing the people to convert to catholicism remiscent of the spanish inquistion  kennedy sent the men into that country to convince these three men to leave or die   then we have cardinal spelling a real piece of crap work he hated the kennedys very much for some reason this is why we are in deep doodoo today the vatican has taken over america using its asssets to rule by you heard the tsionist conspiracy theory well who put this conspiracy  out is of interest namely the serpent of sorceries aka vatican add a touch of islam also created by the vatican in 7th  century ad  the history is there to destroy whom and why you have to do the research to see who and why go back in time we have the 14th amendment written by a jesuit priest aka james g blaine he hated sovereign peoples and sovereign states



Comment by 4409
Entered on:

Just when I thought you could not be any dumber you claim that RFK jr is a  conspiracy theorists who is taking full advantage of the city's efforts to commemorate the fiftieth anniversary of the death JFK..... his uncle....LMFAO.

Is he also trying to "cash in" as well on his uncles death. You sir are fucking retard.
