IPFS Mike Renzulli

More About: Israel

Israel's Moral Right to Self-Defense

When missiles from Gaza strike Israel and inflict civilian casualties, Jihadist leaders and their spokespersons appear in the media and insist that the way to end the violence is to end Israel’s blockade or occupation. They go on to claim that the occupation and U.S. foreign policy is the cause of the Middle East conflict – Islamic terrorists blow themselves up and murder others (we are told) because they are frustrated victims of Israeli oppression.

However, the one question that many in the media seem not to ask and Jihadists might be skilled at avoiding is:


 If the answer to all of the problems in the Middle East is to end Israel’s attacks on Gaza, why did the Israelis invade Gaza and the West Bank in the first place?


The Islamist propaganda machine and their allies in the media lead us to believe that the Israeli's take over, attacks and outright occupation of Gaza and the West Bank is part of the country's imperialistic policy as condoned by the U.S. They  go on to make the flagrant accusation that Israel would like to return to the days of vibrant Jewish communities in all parts of the lands that once made up Israel during biblical times which would be accomplished by wanton slaughter and enslavement of Muslims in Israel and the occupied territories.


It is true that a minority of Israelis do subscribe to this. However, contrary to what you may believe, the dominant voice in Israel is one of peaceful coexistence with its neighbors and not intrinsic warfare.


When the country was founded in 1948 Israel was a small strip of land located on the Mediterranean coast and the Israeli leadership at the time and even to this day supports peaceful coexistence with Muslims in and outside of the country. This being the case the reason for the occupation of territories (like Gaza) and its military campaigns against Hamas is grounded in one simple answer: self defense.


When Palestinian Muslims rejected the U.N.'s partition plan which would have granted Jews a home in a small part of Palestine, neighboring Muslim states initiated a war of extermination against Israel then and continue to do so via groups like Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Hezbollah. All three groups are funded and armed by states like Iran and Syria and because the wars Israel has fought have been in self-defense she has the moral right to occupy the territories that have been used to attack her and endanger Israel's existence.

So, one may ask, what about the Palestinian's rights? Don’t they have a right to the land they once occupied in what is now known as Israel? Palestinian refugees initially left for Gaza and the West Bank of their own accord in order to either flee the 1948 war or join the fight against the Israelis. They and other Muslims in the occupied territories who suffered from conflict with Israel are, in truth, aggressors and are not innocent victims. Those who initiate force and flagrantly disrespect the rights of others do not deserve to have their rights respected by anyone.

Simultaneously, Israeli forces also have the right to take down Gazan homes. This is not being done to deny property rights or out of persecution. The reason for this tactic is that Palestinian homes  are razed after IDF soldiers have found them to have been occupied by families or individuals housing terrorists or weapons that can be used to attack Israeli soldiers. Homes occupied by Palestinians who do not house terrorists, arms, or munitions that can be used against Israeli forces are, for the most part, left alone.
Any person who tries to steal the property of another by force or fraud or, even worse, attempts to murder someone has no rights. A thief is put in jail as punishment for his or her act and to prevent the recurrence of the crime they committed. Consequently, Palestinians in the contested territories are deprived of some (or all) of their freedoms because they have looted and murdered innocent civilians in and out of the occupied territories. There is no evidence that they would change if given independence.
The situation the Palestinians in Gaza are in now and any casualties or deaths of civilians there that result from conflicts in the occupied territories is the fault of groups like Hamas and Fatah who keep Palestinians in their present situation. Fatah and Hamas rule(d) the territories with an iron fist while supporting terrorist activities and rocket attacks against Israeli civilians despite negotiated cease-fire agreements.

The Palestinian authority formerly under Yasser Arafat and now presently ruled by Hamas has one objective: the destruction of Israel. If taken to its irrational, illogical conclusions this also means the slaughter not only of the Jews but also other religious and ethnic groups (including Muslims) that live in the country as well.

In opposing the occupation the Islamists really want Israel to halt its territorial occupation and naval blockades so the they can have license to initiate more terrorist and rocket attacks in order to destroy it. As a result, Israel has no alternative but to occupy Gaza and the West Bank. This action has been imposed on Israel by her enemies and is not being done out of a want to slaughter Muslims or due to mindless imperialism.

In the past Israel has made numerous concessions but, rightly, will not give in on allowing a Palestinian state. If she does, Israeli leaders know to do so is suicide. Israelis want to be left alone and have no reason to want to conquer her neighbors. If she wanted to she would have done that long ago. However, the country’s hands-off approach is too much to ask from jihadist groups hell-bent on seeing Israel's demise.

Israelis can and should continue to survive and thrive in peace. But, if provoked they should defend themselves using the country's military might.

 Our struggle with the Jews is very great and very serious. - Hamas Charter

 Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it. - Hamas Charter quoting Hassan al-Banna of the Muslim Brotherhood

2 Comments in Response to

Comment by TL Winslow
Entered on:

Talk about propaganda, the above letter sounds like a paint-by-numbers.

"Israel was founded on terrorism - the King David Hotel bombing, Irgun, and later overt and clandestine operations and false flag efforts. Zionists controlled perhaps 5% of Palestine in 1945. Through repeated wars of aggression they now control 95% of Palestine, and through corporate takeovers, bribes and blackmail it has for decades commanded the abject service of the US media and Congress."

Duh, the terrorism was directed against the British, who were stopping Jewish immigration by intercepting ships and locking them up in camps. The British controlled Palestine, not the Muslims, but they didn't want a Jewish state of Israel because they were falling to greed for Arab oil and their Arab friends told them that Muslims would never accept such a state, which is very true. When the new state was proclaimed, the Arab world staged an all-out attack on it and the Jews won, earning the right to their country no different than Muslims won the right to their territories throughout history after they struck out from Arabia. That's why the Hamas Charter is very clear that they want to exterminate Israel and will never accept a 2-state solution as proposed by the stupid let's-play-millioniare U.S.

"For every Israeli killed at least 10 Palestinians are killed, nearly all of them children, civilians, and handicapped. (Not even counting the "soft kills" through denial of food, medicine and clean water.) Israel threatens Europe with the nuclear "Samson Option" if they tug too hard at their leash. (The original material for their nuclear weapons was stolen from the US.)"

On the contrary, the Israelis started out inviting Arabs to be part of their new state, only to see them declare jihad and evacuate to Arab lands to get out of the way for the Arab armies. It was the Arabs who denied these so-called refugees equal treatment in their Arab countries, forcing them into squalid camps and throwing them back at Israel as part of the Saudi-directed and financed jihad, which continues to this day. Yes, the Israelis aren't angels and they have a list of bad deeds, like the U.S. and every country does, but the sick Saudi-financed anti-Israeli propaganda like in this letter is packed with half-truths that strain at a gnat while ignoring the elephant in the room, the horrible Muslim world that won't accept a square inch ruled by non-Muslims, ever, under any circumstances. If you want to slam a country, try them: who wants to live in Saudi Arabia where Sharia makes life hell for the non-royals, and women are treated lower than donkey dung? While Israel permits freedom of Muslim worship, a recent survey found that the most dangerous countries to be a Christian in are all in the Muslim world. http://undhimmi.com/2011/01/06/what-do-80-of-the-most-dangerous-countries-to-be-christian-have-in-common/

Meanwhile if Israel is the new Fourth Reich, why when Palestinians need medical help do they prefer Israeli hospitals, despite orders from the PA not to use them? http://muqata.blogspot.com/2010/08/pa-to-palestinians-avoid-israeli.html

To cut to the chase, why won't the *!?* Muslims give up and clear out of the region and resettle in Arab lands and leave poor outnumbered surrounded Israel alone in peace, keeping a wide berth? Because the ideology of Islam is about conquering not just Israel but the world for Allah and the rest is b.s. Nothing the Saudis can do can delegitimize Israel, all of it can be turned back on them because the Muslim world conquered Palestine by violence in the first place, and not from the Jews but from the Byzantine Christians who had no right to it either. Israel is the canary in the mine for the Western world, and if it goes none of us will ever be safe. Study Israel's history back 3,000 years and see why Jews have a right to it with or without holy books of all stripes: http://tinyrul.com/jerusalemhistory

Read the Historyscoper's Islam Watch Blog: http://tinyurl.com/islamwatch

Comment by EQ HH
Entered on:

Why is this site putting out this kind of propaganda?

Israel was founded on terrorism - the King David Hotel bombing, Irgun,  and later overt and clandestine operations and false flag efforts. Zionists controlled perhaps 5% of Palestine in 1945. Through repeated wars of aggression they now control 95% of Palestine, and through corporate takeovers, bribes and blackmail it has for decades commanded the abject service of the US media and Congress.

For every Israeli killed at least 10 Palestinians are killed, nearly all of them children, civilians, and handicapped. (Not even counting the "soft kills" through denial of food, medicine and clean water.) Israel threatens Europe with the nuclear "Samson Option" if they tug too hard at their leash. (The original material for their nuclear weapons was stolen from the US.)

Israel has attacked the US through its attacks on the USS Liberty and its false-flag attacks on 9/11. (Ample documentary evidence on both for those who look.) It  was the primary goad for the US invading Iraq, but for which thousands of US citizens and hundreds of thouasnds of Iraqis would be alive today.

Currently it is trying to force the US to release its spy, Jonathan Pollard, who caused the death of many US intelligence agents and officers. Israel traded his traitorous material to the Soviet Union, and thus caused the deaths of those agents and officers.

Israel, a country of only 7.5 million people receives at least a fifth of all US foreign aid - and that mostly weapons at sweetheart "surplus" prices for the latest killing machines. That's over $500 per capita per year.

It not only steals the land from the Moslem and Christian natives based on its fairy-tale claims (falsified by the total lack of evidence from archaeology or contemporaneous foreign chronicles), it steals and poisons their water and denies them food and medicine - the Palestinians are denied the necessities of life whether by trade, self-production, or outside donation.  And those who try to donate such necessities - even unarmed US citizens - may be beaten to the the ground, kicked like a dog, then shot in the head, as happened a few months ago when Israeli thugs attacked an aid convoy in international waters.

Israel is in violation of more UN resolutions by far than any country ever. It invaded Lebanon with a false causus belli not long ago and killed indiscriminately, then did the same in the remaining Palestinian territories, even bombing UN facilities.

Israel lies over and over again and trumpets its vicious, malignant falsehoods in its captive media. Why should this site provide it yet another outlet for its poison?
