IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Environment


As the United accelerates toward adding another 100 million people within 25 years, its citizens neglect growing consequences easily witnessed in other overpopulated countries.  Americans assume they can continue unlimited expansion because, “We’ve always considered growth as the mainstay of our prosperity.” 
Thus, Americans think ‘endless increase’ as a normal aspect of their daily lives.  Their paradigm cannot and will not be tolerated by Mother Nature much longer.  Dr. Albert Bartlett, (www.albartlett.org), said, “Continued growth past maturity for any entity becomes obesity or cancer.”  As we all know, both problems create a debilitating existence or shortened lifespan.
The author of The Population Bomb, Paul Ehrlich said, “Few problems are less recognized, but more important than, the accelerating disappearance of the earth's biological resources. In pushing other species to extinction, humanity is busy sawing off the limb on which it is perched.”
Over the course of this planet’s six billion years of existence, ‘life’ popped up a short time ago, and during its survival and through great geological and special traumas, millions of creatures suffered extinction from climate change, ice ages and meteor hits that created ‘nuclear winters’ that blocked out the sun—thus stopping all photosynthesis that allowed the food chain to feed dependent life beings.  To date, five “Extinction Sessions” killed of up to 97 percent of living species on the planet.  The three percent that survived allowed all life that you see on this planet today. Now, in the 21st century, we plunge into the 6th Extinction Session.
In his work, Professor Norman Meyers, UK, wrote, “Winnowing for Today’s World”, on the concept of mass extinction.  As shown by the National Academy of Sciences and (www.worldwildlifefund.org), humans, via encroachment on wilderness habitat, cause the extinction of 80 to 100 creatures daily around the globe.   Meyers said, “These, then, are some ultimate issues for us to bear in mind as we begin to impose a fundamental shift on evolutions course. The biggest factor by far is that, as we proceed on our impoverishing way, we scarcely pause to consider what we are doing. We are "deciding" without even the most superficial reflection - deciding all too unwittingly, but effectively and increasingly.”
In 1993, Harvard biologist E.O. Wilson estimated that the planet loses 30,000 species per year: around three species per hour. Some biologists feel that the biodiversity crisis dubbed the "Sixth Extinction" accelerates more severely than Wilson expected.
At 310 million and headed for 400 million within 25 years, America adds 3.1 to 3.4 million humans annually. Each added American requires the destruction of 12.6 acres of wilderness habitat known as ‘ecological footprint’.  That many acres must be developed into homes, roads, cities, schools, malls and land for food production.  When you multiply 100 million added humans times 12.6 acres—that equals a loss of 1.26 billion acres of wilderness habitat in the next 25 years.  Since demographers expect the USA to double to 600 million, work the math!
Where will the animals flee to eat, procreate and flourish?  Where will we find that much arable land?  How about water?
According to reports, 6,330 animal species in North America teeter on the edge of extinction.  The National Academy of Sciences predicts 2,500 plants and animals go extinct every decade from habitat loss.  At some point, these extinction rates create a ‘cascading effect’ for all other dependent species.  We answer to an intertwined ecosystem.
In the West, the prairie dog provides sustenance for 67 other creatures in the food chain.  Over half of prairie dog colonies suffered human development destruction in the past 30 years.  As their numbers plummeted, every creature depending on those rodents declined commensurately. 
In a report in the Boston Globe, October 19, 2006, by John Donnelly, “Scientists Alarmed at Loss of Pollinators,” he reported rapidly dropping numbers of birds, bees and bats could impact humanity’s food supply.  Most plants depend on their pollen being picked up by birds, bats and bees to be distributed so that fruits, nuts and vegetables can reproduce and grow.
In 2007, on Colorado’s eastern plains, farmers imported beekeepers with their mobile bee hives to pollinate crops.  The lack of bees in the United States created the first imports of bees since 1922.  Reports suggest bees being killed by pesticides called neonicotinoids, that impair the bees’ immune systems.  One of the most widely used is imidacloprid.  It’s sprayed all over crops from California to Maine.  Consequently, bees get sick and die!
“In addition,” Donnelly reported, “wild pollinators from bumblebees to butterflies to nocturnal moths—have lost much of their habitat, due to vast use of pesticides and herbicides that kill plants and hedges in which the insects and birds live.”
With over 80,000 manmade chemicals being injected into the land, water and air—doesn’t it make you wonder what in the heck we’re doing to ourselves and future generations?
At the same time, humans continue overpopulation this planet by a net gain of 80 million annually.  At what point will leaders, citizens, media and the rest of us speak up?  Can it be too soon, too late or do we simply watch our civilization collapse from our apathy?
“The American people today are involved in warfare more deadly than the war in Vietnam, but few of them seem aware of it and even fewer of them are doing anything about it. This is a war that is being waged against the American environment, against our lands, air, and water, which are the basis of that environment.”  Norman Cousins (1915-1990)
In a five minute astoundingly simple yet brilliant video, “Immigration, Poverty, and Gum balls”, Roy Beck, director of www.numbersusa.ORG, graphically illustrates the impact of overpopulation.  Take five minutes to see for yourself:

17 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

"endless growth on a finite planet cannot continue"

Well that seems pretty self-apparent. And the issue of species extermination will have far reaching consequences. But the general public (innumerate or not) isn't the source of the inertia. It's corporatism run amuck.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

      Frostysonomabitch keeps on calling Bakadude "backward" who according to his delirious mind, "cannot work simple math…" He uses this lie to cover his inability to understand higher mathematical calculation. Mathematical logic is too deep for him to comprehend. His highest knowledge of arithmetic is only 2 + 2 = 4. Bakadude had tested Frostysonomabitch with his understanding of mathematical calculation using symbols or numerical logic. This self-loving guy is a vacuum upstairs – his knowledge, negative … zero. He didn’t understand what Bakadude was talking about, and why he is being tested.

Anyway, to illustrate the ignorance of this population-basher in a layman’s terms, when numbers with values are used in equations to study changes of variables, the result of 2 + 2 is not always = 4. If 2 has a given value of .5, 2 + 2 is equals 1, not 4. This is midnight to Frostysonomabitch because his knowledge of arithmetic is only good for a kindergarten teacher that he is for kids. Frostysonomabitch didn’t know that in graduate school, Bakadude is a master of economics who wrote a thesis on Econometrics in Economics – where statistics and mathematical techniques were applied to economic data in the study of growth, i.e., population expansion, GDP/GNP differentials or changes from time X to x1, etc.!

So between Frostysonomabitch and Bakadude, who do you think is "backaward" in math? No brain of nuclear scientist is needed to know whose ignorant mind is exploding in the Web almost in a daily basis using recycled anti-immigration-population articles that bore readers to death.

I really hate to say this, but this guy’s addiction to population-immigration bashing that turned into a sickness, not just a sore eye in the Web, makes him the butt of jokes among the learned. I recently reprinted one of them, that of Ned The Head with my comment as follows:

Ned The Head (#31070)
Entered on: 2010-10-21 13:33:39

Entered on: 2010-10-21 13:33:39

  "Hmmm...I just realized my last was a classically sophistic argument. Sophistry doesn't sell well with mathematicians. I should modify my tactics.

Frosty, would it help if I wrapped a bicycle chain around your neck and strangled you while I am giving you a subcutaneous cranial bleed with a Kryptonite lock?

Hey a lot of people accuse me of beating the living shit out of people but I usually offer them food and water first."

This is extremely hilarious!

But Ned, take it easy now on Frostysonomabitch. People are having a hearth attack. They could die laughing … So tone down your tactics a little bit … you brainy award-winning last comic standing.


Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

I know when to walk away from a fight. Can't beat you boys with numbers. But I still think it would be outrageously fun to wedgee Froster. It would be so infamous. We'd go down in history!

Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:

Once again, backward dude cannot work simple math. Name calling won't work young man!  Either get down to mathematical reality that endless growth on a finite planet cannot continue or applaud the collapse of our civilization.  God, I feel sorry for what Dr. Bartlett calls 'innumerates'.  FW

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

       For criticizing his absurdity and a bunch of population-immigration fear-mongers, Frostysonomabitch called Bakadude “backward” compared to himself whom he adore so much as he looks into the mirror in the water pool and admire himself. What he meant was that [in case he is misunderstood] Bakadude, who is in the academe of higher learning now for more than 27 years, had stepped backward to avoid a vacuum trap and falling into the dark pit of ignorance, while Frostysonomabitch, a generation removed from reality, is continuously moving forward from insanity [?] and now to obscenity [!?*].  Driven by despondency and gloom, watch this desperate guy’s language falling over the edge!!



Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:

What a bunch of Popes living in a faraway time!  Yes, I admit that I am a 21st century Galileo and you pundits haven't, as yet, learned how think, but I will do my best to work with you on many levels. Stay tuned to future columns that will outdo ignorance, backwardness, futility, illiteracy and general dullness of mind.  FW

Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Wedgee!  Wedgee! Wedgee!

Frosteroonovitch, I know my words are big and my body is small but did you happen to notice how big my brothers are? Have you see Jet Lacey? You seen my brother Ed? Ho man, you pray our women get to you before we do. Trust me you fool, whatever I can do to you is relatively insignificant when you have Jet sitting on you and some of our demonic females tickling you.

And we will get you, have no doubt, you are on our radar you poor silly bastard. We will make you laugh.

You hear me you little POS? I am Oyate and my name comes with thunder and rain! If you don't think I can make you laugh, it's war between you and me amigo and only one of us is walking away from this one alive. My advice to you: grab every pillow you can find, you are gonna need them all.

Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Brothers and sisters, now that I sense we are in accord, and since we have made clear our intentions to love and defend one another, basically what I recommend is we all sneak up on Frosty and give him a wedgee.

Yes, I recommend that as one people, we rise with one word in our hearts and act as one body to wedgee Frosty. and we should hand him by his underwear from one of the coathooks in the men's locker-room.

Don't ask me how I know how humiliating a treatment this is to a man, just trust me I know. But Frosty is just asking for it. He's freaking begging for it.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Ned, I don't think you're on the same page....

The golden rule is from Jesus:

"Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

Like I said, that's the most micro of all microeconomic personal interactions.

Personally, I don't want to fight with you, Frosty or anyone. I just want to be left the f*** alone.  Frosty will argue that if I don't heed him, I wont be left alone.  I'm eager to demonstrate to Frosty just how wrong he is.


Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Oh yeah that's what I'm talking about. Let the blood pour from every door, let he blood wash over every floor, let the run rise red from day to day, let the blood of the children attest to this day,

but this manner of war makes me ready for a pillow-fight.

I am a warrior, doubt me not and this very day I challenge you to a pillow fight.

Let the chicken feathers fly and let none take pity on the chickens.

No blades, choak-holds or firearms, only pillows.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Ned, the golden rule, is the same whether you are white, native american, whatever.

The golden rule is the most micro of microeconomic interpersonal interactions.

Only collectivists like Frosty can't understand it. 

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Furthermore, yes, I am going to promote unlimited expanding population of my own family insofar as my wife is willing to do it, because that's what God commands.

Why do you want to control everything?  The market will provide.  God will provide. 

If people "overpopulate" (I dont even know how you're capable of gauging that.  Hint: you're not), then prices will increase to a point where people are disincentivized to continue "overpopulating".

Only a central planner wants to control people at a macro level.  Microeconomics works just fine and doesn't need your feeble-minded central planning guidance.


Comment by Ned The Head
Entered on:

Mr Green,

Partially like yourself, I am partially white. A man of letters, educated and erudite. I come to you with the humble proposition that we disagree with everything Frosty says just on a matter of principle. Because the fact is, Frosty is just too freaking white for even our starched britches and if he wants to go live in a world all by himself, tell him there's good news because at this point I'd pay to send him to Mars. Not like I don't like the guy but who the hell does he think he is putting himself in the position of judging who should and shouldn't be here? As if he had a choice to be born white.

yeah great Frosty, you out of the whole human species had the good sense to be born white on a stolen continent. Bully for you but it's not exactly a roadmap for human happiness.

Back to the drawing board old son.

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Wrong, Frosty.  I'm a well armed white man who can take care of himself who doesn't need your protection, nor you're vague references as me being any part of "we" with you.

It offends me that you constantly refer to "we", but cannot define who that is.  Talk about yourself.  You certainly do not speak for me.

I'll take care of myself, thank you very much.  I don't need you.

Go take care of yourself, Mr. Collectivist.


Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:

Mr. Green,

 If you cannot work simple math or the exponential equation on a finite planet, and you cannot or will not read the best scientific books on what we face, I cannot help you. I cannot help the blind to see or the illiterate to think or the stupid to learn.  The first three parts of this series stand on science and facts, not emotions or past history.  You appear to me to be a Pope-like person that dwells in the past and refuses to see reality.  For that, I cannot take responsibility.  Thus, keep promoting unlimited human population growth and see where it gets you, i.e., same place China, India and Bangladesh find themselves in today.  FW

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

 Frosty, how about you answer the simple eponymal question you've never been able to answer.  When you refer to "we" who the hell are you referring to?

I'm a white man.  But I know you are not referring to me.  So, who are you talking about?  You?  Or are you just showing the weaknesses in your collectivist thought and you're not actually capable of elaborating your ideas clearly and therefore have to refer to a collectivist "we" to complete a thought?

Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:

I certainly encourage Backward dude to chew on these facts for an hour to comprehend them, or anyone else that fails to understand 'exponential growth' and the consequences now being played out across the USA and the globe.  Again, we are in a devil of an accelerating nightmare as we add 100 million in 25 years.  It can only degrade everything and every sector of our civilization.  No ifs, ands, or butts!  FW
