IPFS Frosty Wooldridge


More About: Environment

Hancock vs Wooldridge Radio Debate: Bakadu, Romantics, Overpopulation, LaLa Land

As an educator, and now, a public figure in the immigration/population issue facing America in the 21st century, I am forever astounded at the number of citizens that cannot or do not or will not make the connection to immigration and overpopulation. 
I speak around the country at colleges with my: “The Coming Overpopulation Crisis in America: and what you can do about it.”  The talk/slide program shows unequivocally the ramifications of the United States adding 100 million, then 200 million, and then finally within 60 to 70 years doubling U.S. population to 600 million on our way to a billion by the next century.   College, political, Rotary, high school and other audiences drop their jaws at the sheer magnitude of our predicament. 
While over 18 million people starve to death worldwide from overpopulation annually, and the world grows by 77 million annually to cause even more starvation and environmental devastation—Americans cannot or will not ‘get’ their arms or minds around the fact that the United States steams toward the same Titanic-like future.  I mean, it’s purely academic and inevitable if we continue to add population. (www.albartlett.org)
Yet, the media, world leaders, U.S. leaders avoid, evade, ignore and suppress the population issue at all costs.  Whether it’s their emotions, political correctness, romantic immigration notions or they love inhabiting LaLa land. (Let’s abdicate; Let’s acquiesce!)
A week ago, I debated with Ernest Hancock on this issue. I wrote a column about it. I submitted several websites to educate readers to our dilemma.  A number of what I refer to as ‘innumerates’ (persons who enjoy great academic credentials but remain mathematically illiterate) wrote some amazingly dysfunctional and scurrilous attacks on my humanity, my heartless crusade, etc.  Even a teacher chastised me for being so cruel.
Baby, you ain’t seen nothing yet!  When Mother Nature starts up her ‘human combine’ in the coming years as the Four Horsemen gallop across the globe, my work will become self-evident both in this country and throughout the world.  We head toward a collision course with our own numbers, but Bakadu, teacher lady and other ‘romantics’ remain SO arrogant, they think it won’t happen to them.
Before they regurgitate their emotions at me, I expect them to be assiduous students, do their homework, and then, come back as academics and not ‘innumerates’.
1.       Visit www.worldpopulationbalance.org with David Paxson.
2.       Visit Dr. Joseph Tainter, How Complex Societies Fail
3.       Visit Dr. William Catton, Overshoot
4.       Visit Dr. Jared Diamond, Collapse: how societies fail or succeed
5.       Visit www.albartlett.org with Dr. Albert Bartlett
6.       Visit www.skil.org with Dr. Jack Alpert
7.       Visit www.postcarboninstitute.com with Richard Heinberg
8.       Visit www.populationmedia.org with William Ryerson
9.       Visit www.populationpress.org  with Marilyn Hempel
10.   Visit www.numbersusa.com with Roy Beck and watch his 14 minute video “Immigration by the Numbers”
11.   Visit www.blindspotdoc.com with Amada Zackem, brilliant 1.2 hour movie on what we face.
Once Americans understand their predicament in pure mathematics and resulting consequences, we may stand a chance at surviving the 21st century intact.  As it stands today, we don’t!
I tire of being a ‘dog barking at the train’ trying to stop it so I can tell the passengers and engineer that the tracks lead over a cliff.  We all need to stop the train and start barking  with voices and votes at our leaders in Washington DC. Again, the United States cannot and must not add another 100 million people if it expects to survive the coming Peak Oil crisis, Peak Water, Peak Resources, Peak Climate Destablization, Peak Species Extinction and Peak Quality of Life crisis.
Learn, live, love and move toward a sustainable future. 
If any of us, no matter what our race, creed or color might be, refuse to engage our U.S. Congress as we have not for 30 years as to the population/immigration equation-our children will find themselves living in a terribly degraded America where the American Dream will be described by the history books as a 'fleeting fantasy' from the era of 1950 to 2010.
These are several of the top organizations where you can take collective action to change the course of American history as well as in Canada, the United Kingdom and Australia. Take collective action at:
This is the best website to start:  www.numbersusa.com ; watch Roy Beck’s “Immigration by the Numbers” at 14 minutes. Bi-partisan and very effective. Become a faxer of pre-written letters to your reps to make positive change.
Must see DVD: "Blind Spot" www.snagfilms.com/films/title/blind_spot/ , This movie illustrates America's future without oil, water and other resources to keep this civilization functioning. It's a brilliant educational movie! www.blindspotdoc.com
Must see: Rapid Population Decline, seven minute video by Dr. Jack Alpert-
Must see and funny: www.growthbusters.org ; www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXSTrW_dARc
Dave Gardner's Polar Bear in Bedroom: growthbusters.org/2010/03/save-the-polar-bear-in-your-bedroom ; Dave Gardner, President, Citizen-Powered Media ; Producing the Documentary, GROWTH BUSTERS; presents Hooked on Growth: Our Misguided Quest for Prosperity, Join the cause at www.growthbusters.org ;760 Wycliffe Drive, Colorado Springs, CO 80906 USA; +1 719-576-5565
Check out this link with Wooldridge on bicycle and Lester Brown and panel discussion:
Tomorrow's Americaproject on www.youtube.com/contemporarylearning.
Producer: GEORGE A. COLBURNwww.tomorrowsamerica.com
DC: 202-258-4887
Link to www.tomorrowsamerica.com for more discussions on America's predicament.
Dear fellow Americans, Canadians, Australians, United Kingdom, New Zealand, and planetary citizens:
Re: The USA about to add 100 million people within 25 years—world to add 3 billion people in 40 years, and what actions citizens must take in order to change course toward viable and sustainable societies--interview with Frosty Wooldridge
If you have time, you may enjoy a one hour interview in California as I address overpopulation/immigration, not only in that state, but nationwide and worldwide.  I attempted to cover all aspects of what our civilization faces if we continue on our overpopulation path toward adding 100 million people within 25 years here in the USA.  While we may become emotional around the immigration issue--in the end--it’s about too many people, too little water, too little resources, vanishing carrying capacity, species extinction, acidified oceans and dwindling energy reserves that will render this civilization and all ‘oil-dependent’ civilizations unsustainable. Away from the ‘emotional’ responses, we find ourselves in a great deal of trouble on multiple levels. I attempt to bring that reality to the forefront.  Additionally, below, you may read from other top world minds and writers as to the long term consequences of continued human overpopulation.
Interview with Frosty Wooldridge--Posted on the archive of the Stark Truth:  http://reasonradionetwork.com/?p=8893
Thank you for appearing for an excellent & informative show!
Regards, Mike Conner
Voice of Reason Broadcast Network
For further information, please contact me at www.frostywooldridge.com , frostyw@juno.com. Also, view  “Blind Spot” with Aldopho Doring and Amanda Zackem at www.blindspotdoc.com  at http://www.snagfilms.com/films/title/blind_spot/ ; watch the 14 minute video by Roy Beck “ Immigration by the Numbers” at www.numbersusa.com ; also join www.TheSocialContract.com for the finest in updates and information as to what our civilization faces; also www.fairus.org for top notch information on immigration and population; additionally  www.cis.org with Mark Krikorian and Dr. Steve Camarota for up to date info on population and immigration; please visit www.albartlett.org for exceptional program on population and energy by Dr. Bartlett; www.populationmedia.org with William Ryerson and Joe Bish; www.worldpopulationbalance.org with David Paxson, www.populationpress.org with Marilyn Hempel; www.skil.org with Dr. Jack Alpert, PRODUCER: GEORGE A. COLBURN ,www.starbrightmediacorp.com; www.innovationcourse.org ;  Dave Gardner, President, Citizen-Powered Media ; www.growthbusters.org ;  in Canada www.immigrationwatchcanada.org ; in Australia www.population.org.au andPublicPopForum@yahoogroups.com; in Great Britain www.optimumpopulation.org ;  and many other top organizations at my website.
Kindest regards, Frosty Wooldridge, Golden, CO
                               by Frosty Wooldridge 
“Can you think of any problem in any area of human endeavor on any scale, from microscopic to global, whose long-term solution is in any demonstrable way aided, assisted, or advanced by further increases of population, locally, nationally, or globally.”  Dr. Albert Bartlett www.albartlett.org
“A simple look at the upward path of global greenhouse emissions indicates we will continue to squeeze the trigger on the gun we have put to our own head.”  Eugene Linden, The Winds of Change: Climate, Weather and the Destruction of Civilization
“The ship is already starting to spin out of control.  We may soon lose all chance of grabbing the wheel. Humanity faces a genuinely new situation.  It is not an environmental crisis in the accepted sense. It is a crisis for the entire life-support system for our civilization and our species.”  Fred Pearce, The Last Generation: How Nature Will take Her Revenge for Climate Change
“At this point, it’s almost certainly too late to manage a transition to sustainability on a global or national scale, even if the political will to attempt it existed, which it clearly does not. Our civilization is in the early stages of the same curve of decline and fall as so many others have followed before it.  What likely lies in wait for us is a long, uneven decline into a new Dark Age  from which, centuries from now, the civilizations of the future will gradually emerge.”  John Michael Greer, The Long Descent
“We are strong and adaptable animals and can certainly make a new life on the hotter Earth, but there will only be a fraction of inhabitable land left. Soon we face the appalling question of who m can we let aboard the lifeboats?  And who must we reject?  There will be great clamor from climate refugees seeking a safe haven in those few parts where the climate is tolerable and food available. We will need a new set of rules for limiting the population in climate oases.”  James Lovelock, The Vanishing Face of Gaia: A final Warning
“Imagine we live on a planet. Not our cozy, taken for granted planet, but a planet, a real one, with melting poles and dying forests and a heaving, corrosive sea, raked by winds, strafed by sdtorms, scorched by heat. And inhospitable place.  It needs a new name, Eaarth.”  Bill McKibben, Eaarth: Making a life on a Tough new Planet
"The cheap oil age created an artificial bubble of plentitude for a period not much longer than a human lifetime....so I hazard to assert that as oil ceases to be cheap and the world reserves move toward depletion, we will be left with an enormous population...that the ecology of the earth will not support. The journey back toward non-oil population homeostasis will not be pretty.  We will discover the hard way that population hyper growth was simply a side-effect of the oil age.  It was a condition, not a problem with a solution. That is what happened and we are stuck with it."  James Howard Kunstler 
“We must alert and organize the world's people to pressure world leaders to take specific steps to solve the two root causes of our environmental crises - exploding population growth and wasteful consumption of irreplaceable resources. Over-consumption and overpopulation underlie every environmental problem we face today.”   Jacques-Yves Cousteau
“As we go from this happy hydrocarbon bubble we have reached now to a renewable energy resource economy, which we do this century, will the “civil” part of civilization survive?  As we both know there is no way that alternative energy sources can supply the amount of per capita energy we enjoy now, much less for the 9 billion expected by 2050. And energy is what keeps this game going. We are involved in a Faustian bargain—selling our economic souls for the luxurious life of the moment, but sooner or later the price has to be paid.”  Walter Youngquist 
“The U.S. will set a record in the rate of rise—and fall of an empire.  Between wide open borders and fall of the dollar and growing population against a declining resource base, the US will be defeated from within. Mobs will rule the streets in the nation that is now the third largest in the world and unable to support its population except by taking resources from other countries.”  Arnold Toynbee
“If present growth trends in population, industrialization, pollution, food production and resource depletion continue unchanged, the limits to growth will be reached sometime in the next 100 years.”  The Club of Rome 1972
“The power of population is so superior to the power of earth to produce subsistence to humanity that premature death must in some shape or other visit the human race.” Thomas Malthus 1798
Frosty Wooldridge has bicycled across six continents - from the Arctic to the South Pole - as well as six times across the USA, coast to coast and border to border. In 2005, he bicycled from the Arctic Circle, Norway to Athens, Greece. He presents "The Coming Population Crisis in America: and what you can do about it" to civic clubs, church groups, high schools and colleges. He works to bring about sensible world population balance at www.frostywooldridge.com He is the author of: America on the Brink: The Next Added 100 Million Americans. Copies available: 1 888 280 7715

5 Comments in Response to

Comment by A n PA
Entered on:

 I agree with this fellows perspective---but not for the reasons he is issuing

the reason there is going to be an overpopulation issue or crisis is not the fact of the resources but those who control them and there unwillingness to surrender to a better and more efficient way of doing things---this is about powere and control---right now as it stands with the GMO and GE technoly for the eugnics programs---the planet can feed itself 1 and 1/2 times aday and this was verified by over 800 scientist globally--are we heading for a crisis---most defininitely--with the industrialist purposely spilling oil in the water and then using a solvent so toxic that even whales are dying from it--is one example---with the soviets having fires raging in an area where they have burried nuclear waste for over 50 years is another blatancy---the powers that be as we speak are trying to regulate what can and cannot be grown so as to promote monsanots eugenically designed foods with bill gates investing in death--- so yes with the way current trends a re going and us still using archaic methods and resources ---we may see this come

but then this is why people like me and others are waking people up to the truth

Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

If stubborn mediocre minds start from you, you may embarrass yourself, but please not Einstein.

Yours truly,


Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:


Einstein got it right:

Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
Albert Einstein

Comment by Frosty Wooldridge
Entered on:


 You just don't have it dude!



Comment by Anonymous
Entered on:

Here we are again! You wrote this rebuttal "Hancock vs Wooldridge Radio Debate: Bakadu, Romantics, Overpopulation, LaLa Land" with a grain of salt.

You inundated space with verbosity or long-windedness readers hardly had air to breath. Because there is an information-overload in your rebuttal, you expurgated all the comments against your faulty Malthusian exponential arithmetic – knowledgeable critics that described your "population expertise" as rubbish [see the mess at the end of your rebuttal -- at this submission it appears the mess have been cleaned up].

It now appears that only your mind should appear in writing in this difficult task of yours to win the public to your side. This is evident when at the end of your refutation or negation of the truth that there is no way you are winning this debate, readers are looking at some kind of a computer collapse, where critiques against your writings were totally wiped out. You only want readers to see your monolithic view, which reminds me of the Mark of the Beast, in a Syfy movie I just viewed. Only those with the marks of the demon must live! Everything must be wiped out, especially any sign of the Holy Cross that terrifies the Devil.

I read nothing new in your rebuttal except an overload of citations which was a reference overkill. You can cite all the references in the world that Malthus was NOT a scientist of failure, but there are a thousand more references that are available which proved that Malthus’ exponential addition of population leading to the collapse of society and eventually to the end of the world, is so limited that it is not only erroneous but also a total misunderstanding of human beings in the animal kingdom. Against your truckload of irrelevant or extraneous "authorities", I can only cite probably three or so of my own that would bring down yours to naught. Why Malthus is wrong? It’s because of his "poor" understanding of the human specie. It’s here:

As your bogeyman, resource depletion due to population increase is discredited here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_theory. Let me quote it for you:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_theoryLet me quote it for you: "Many earlier predictions of resource depletion, such as Thomas Malthus' 1798 predictions about approaching famines in Europe [1227] The Population Bomb (1968). [237/247/25] Limits to Growth (1972). [23/24/24] and the Simon–Ehrlich wager (1980)[26] HAVE PROVEN FALSE, one reason being that advancements in technology and science have continually allowed previously unavailable resources to be utilized more economically."

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Growth_theoryLet me quote it for you:."

You talked about your "lectures" across the country as a "teacher", and you printed all your works ready for readers to download. None of these recycled views that have already been read had changed. The same old repeated bad appreciation of the discredited Malthusian indoctrinating theory that tire the readers to boredom.

Why what you espoused has been poorly considered, senseless if not crazy: You hooked up to Malthus whose critics described him as a total failure. "The Malthusian Exponential Growth Model Is A Total Failure" [a terrible theory of a madman who suggested "infanticide" if not murder to curb population growth … Malthus also explained why he does not donate – the rich should not donate -- to the millions of poor people around the world – he wanted them to die to stop the arithmetical increase of human beings that live in a finite space and limited food supply]. Believe it nor, it is here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Robert_Malthus#Early_responses.

So that we can carry out this debate honestly and squarely, I will restore back the contrary views I wrote which you deleted. Let the general public understand this issue clearly, don’t hide the weakness [shortcomings] of your position from the American readers. In a capsule, your position is the world will end due to population explosion. Your view is married to the Malthusian Population Growth Theory till death will you part – no separation, no divorce, no compromise. My view is, I say it’s all bullcrap, a nutbag.

Let the public know what I wrote, that you mouthpiece Malthus – a disgraced Misanthropist. It is here: http://www.Starvation Not Due To Overpopulation -- See Highlighted Paragraph. No recorded deaths by hunger are caused by overpopulation.

You cannot hide this proof from the public against your one-sided view that population only increase, not decline. I proved it here: http://www. Proof of Population Decline You Shouldn't Ignore.

Your juvenile arithmetic makes you an "innumerate" [your word, not mine] because you cannot do advance mathematics on more scientific analysis of growth rates. This is where I made it clear enough to make you understand: http://www. 2+2 Not Necessarily =4 In Your Juvenile Math.

Although there are more of them, I will stop here, for fear of information-overload.

I still want you to be a model of endurance and perseverance over time to those who want to save the world. Opposite to your endearing quality of a man that you are, are those who want to destroy the world we live. In that sense to me you are a very welcomed rarity. The fact that your obsession is to save the world from them, makes me take off my hat and bow to you.

Finally, your passion in writing like mine, makes us inseparable friends since the beginning. Go back a few years and you will recall and know who I am. Complimenting me as a "lady" is gracious on your part, although you will soon discover that I am not… just a friendly correction.
