IPFS Found  Zero

More About: Property Rights

I knew this was coming, boxed into a corner Oyate comes out fighting: private property no existe.

Man I'm so sorry this comes with such cost, but as our concept, our whole epistomology treats all things as PRIVATE PROPERTY.
As libertarians or Ron Paulistas or whatever, our minimal response to "environmentalism" is "sue them if they pollute your river".
OK, this is our environmental platform put to the test. Go ahead. Whatcha gonna do? BP is protected by SOLDIERS, MILITARY MEN AND MILITARY CONTRACTORS. The EPA is telling you that everything is fine. The air is just fine to breathe. BP is telling you that everything is fine, it will all be under control, they really care, man do they care, do they ever care.
OK so sue them under their EPA mandated limits. Go ahead. Go ahead and try to get what you can because under our law, IT'S NOT YOUR FUCKING WATER AND THEY AREN'T YOUR FUCKING FISH AND IT'S NOT YOUR OIL BEAUSE YOU DIDN'T BUY IT, THEREFORE YOU DON'T OWN IT.
So stop complaining, capitalists. You have no standing. It's not your property that got ruined. Not unless you are actually there on the coast. It's really none of your business. And if you are far away, perhaps in Florida and the air is toxic, well, who's air is it anyway? Do you own the air above you? If so, it seems to me that if your air is polluted, it's your problem. Your rights to clean air don't supercede my rights to pollute the air where I am. I didn't pollute your air, I polluted mine. BP didn't pollute your ocean, they polluted THEIR OCEAN. In fact, according to the judicial precedent of Monsanto court cases, BP'S OIL IS THEIR PROPERTY AND BY RIGHTS, YOU SHOULD HAVE TO PICK IT UP AND GIVE IT BACK TO THEM AT YOUR OWN EXPENSE.
Think I'm kidding? Wonder why you are not allowed, of your own volition to clean up their oil? Because it's just that by our law. It's theirs. They own it. Why else would we see federalized troops there to enforce THEIR PRIVATE PROPERTY RIGHTS?
This all might sound simplistic but I ask you to think deeply about this: who owns the air?
Who owns the water?
Who owns the fish in the sea?
I am told the fish have an attourney. He went to Fish Law School. I am further informed their ambassadors have requested a very large aquarium in the Halls Of Justice, therefrom which to make their case. The fish have a case to present but by all metrics, they have no standing. Fish cannot stand.
Who owns the trees that give you air to breathe? Simple: whoever holds the alluvual title. The people that own the trees thereupon are theirs.
YOU ARE NOT ENTITLED TO OXYGEN, IN FACT, YOU ARE BEHOLDEN TO THE OXYGEN PRODUCERS by current law. If Monsanto's seeds end up in your field, it's Monsanto's field. If your air comes from somebody else's property, you are consuming THEIR AIR without compensating them.
Thus rendering each and every one of you who does not hold land that produces oxygen a THIEF. A criminal.
And this with everybody who has the nerve to complain about benzine and volatile gasses in their breathing-air. All of those combustables are the property of BP and if you had ethics, you would, you are obliged to return all of same to BP because it's THEIR PROPERTY.
And that's why federalized military forces are on the beaches and in your home town and keeping the media away, because it is literally NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS.
So STFU, go back to your televisions and mind your own pitiful little business, nothing that concerns you is happening here.

7 Comments in Response to

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

"Consitutional law and logic was not designed for a limited biosphere." Possibly, if you can demonstrate that, but it certainly wasn't designed for an infinite one. I think you sidestep the issue. Mind you, sidestepping has its uses. Mohammed Ali employed it to kick George Foreman's ass. But let's not call it sidestepping. Let's call it a flanking maneuver instead. In which case I'm nervously waiting for the surprise enfilade, because I don't quite get where you're at on this issue.

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

Oyate, I'm curious, how do you suggest we solve this problem?  What ideology are you suggesting could eliminate disasters like this?

Comment by foundZero
Entered on:

It's a point I've been wrestling with for years. Consitutional law and logic was not designed for a limited biosphere. The traditional libertarian response (if the pollute your river, you can sue them) does nothing to remedy the present situation. Our legal system, ostensibly designed to protect us does more to protect the corporations that pollute.

Since this represents a fundamental retooling of our entire epistomology and certainly implies constitutional amendment, its a trepidacious topic for all.

Comment by Psychictaxi
Entered on:

How many times do I have to ask:



Comment by 4409
Entered on:

I spit my drink on my monitor this was so funny....."I am told the fish have an attorney. He went to Fish Law School. I am further informed their ambassadors have requested a very large aquarium in the Halls Of Justice, therefrom which to make their case. The fish have a case to present but by all metrics, they have no standing. Fish cannot stand."

Very good article

Comment by Chris Broughton
Entered on:

If I homestead the air by mixing my labor with it, it's mine!  And if you try to breathe my air there will be hell to pay!  What's that you say, there is no more air to homestead?  No problem, you can just rent it from the air owners.  You don't have anything they want?  Well you can just work for an air owner in exchange for some air rental units called "money" and if you don't like the way they treat their "employees" you can just go work for another air owner, or perhaps some charitable organization or church will take pity on you and give you some air for free.

Comment by Die Daily
Entered on:

You may be against property rights, but at least your sense of pownership is powerful-strong.
