IPFS Powell Gammill

Fascist Nation

More About: Voting and Elections

Why I do not vote anymore

[Warning: While these are my words, the thoughts expressed herein have been voiced by others on many occasions, and have been co-oped here as my own. It is evidence of a vast libertarian conspiracy . . . .]

We are taught from an early age that voting is our civic duty. Our debt to those who fought for our freedom to vote (but apparently not our freedom not to participate). That only those who vote have a right to complain.

There are two excellent reasons why you should not vote:

1. Voting is a sham.

2. Voting is immoral.


1. Voting is a sham.

The Constitution is written to create a two party system. Oh, it may not say there is a two party system, but the manner in which elections are organized ensures two major parties will emerge. Any other factions are relegated to non-input status.

With the two party system that quickly evolved the outcome of virtually all final races are known well before the primary filing deadline is even closed to further participants. The media knows this, which is why they give only perfunctory coverage to any campaign. And usually concentrate on the candidates with advertising money to spend.

The election districts are deliberately drawn to favor one party or the other. Each party agrees to this process, because it is in their best interests to cooperate, since the ultimate goal is to loot the citizens earnings and support not only the collection apparatus responsible but the enforcement apparatus to ensure obedience.

Politicians desperately need you to vote. It does not matter who or what you vote for, or against, merely that you vote, and perceive that you have participated in a "fair" process – whereby the politician’s goals are advanced. This lends legitimacy to whatever actions the politicians have taken.

The public schools and mainstream media constantly regurgitate the idea of get out the vote, voting is a civic duty, and “you can’t complain if you don’t vote.” Community organizations, now often supported by government if no more than providing a meeting place may host “debates,” where candidates have 45 seconds to answer questions of variable concern. Frequently the questions are previously provided to or even preapproved by the candidates. Often the questions are outside the responsibilities of the position, but an answer is forthcoming nevertheless.

Public schools train the populace that government is necessary and proper for all manner of functions ... voting being one of them. Primary elections, where a political party decides its candidates are now in law a exclusively publicly funded affair. Heck, it is so bad that the candidate’s campaigns, debates and publicity mailings are becoming taxpayer funded.

Yet only 1 U.S. Congressional district in Arizona (out of eight) is not an automatic lock for a Party (District 8, moderately favors Republicans). And only three or four legislative districts out of 30 are competitive in Arizona. And once elected into incumbent status, forget it. Nothing will defeat the incumbent unless their party turns against them. The parties now even endorse and financially support primary candidates against others ... something that rarely occurred in the past for obvious reasons. The Parties are now so entrenched by political hacks that candidates by pass the election machinery for the party where the machine already rules (ex.: US Dist. 8-AZ and the overt Republican National Committee support for the losing Steve Huffman in 2006.).

In Arizona all incumbents WILL defeat their nearest rival by a 20% vote margin, which is a old fashioned beat down.

Lastly there is good reason to believe the ballots are not even counted. Heck, with electronic voting they no longer can even be demonstrated to be cheating (witness District 20, 2004). Witness the Arizona law (ARS § 16-664) that prevents hand counting electronically cast ballots. Why would they even write such a law, unless it was to cover their cheating?

If voting could make a difference it would be illegal.

2. Voting is immoral.

Voting is two wolves and a sheep at the table discussing the dinner menu. It is democracy, also known as mob rule. The majority carries the day. The minority gets trounced.

There is just one problem. We live in the land of do as you please. As long as you are not interacting with another in a coercive manner or trying to coercively take their property then you should be free to do as you please. But in voting, a group of people comes to the table to say we have this great idea, come let us put it up to a vote. Saying I don’t wish to participate is not an option. And the outcome is enforced. The sheep gets eaten.

Now, if you voluntarily agreed to participate in a voting process, and are openly unhappy with the outcome we have a term for people like you ... sore loser. What right have you to complain about the outcome of a process that you freely agreed to participate in? Only those who see the scam or immorality and refuse to participate in a fixed process, or even if it is not fixed, a process whereby the mob decides the fate of everyone’s lives, liberties or disposition of property have a right to complain.

So there it is. Everything you have been taught in public school, reinforced by the mainstream media and politicians reduced to a immoral scam. What are you going to do about it? First step is admitting you have a problem. The second step is cold turkey: Don’t vote. The third step is to band together and let others know you will not be held to the outcome of voting. Your lives, your liberties and your pursuit of happiness are yours and yours alone to do with as you see fit. Not as others determine. Forth, read the Declaration of Independence and go out to the target range. It is not going to be a free ride ... but the founding fathers warned you about that.

P.S.: Other than in the tiniest of elections, when has one vote — your vote — ever made a difference in the outcome of an election?

http://www.lewrockwell.com/shaffer/shaffer31.html (This is my favorite. The others are in no particular order.)








4 Comments in Response to

Comment by Ernest Hancock
Entered on:

Still Voting?.... I guess not :)

Comment by hatchcar
Entered on:

Powell, here here. I stopped voting in 2002. Before coming here to the computer, I watched the DVD version of "Freedom to Facism", and all that entered my mind was that I, along with others, voted for the purpose of enslaving one another. To which I supplied a one word comment. NEVER!!

Comment by Joe Black
Entered on:
What got me to quit the habit of voting was moving to England, in 1998. I couldn't be bothered with the hassle of absentee balloting and, intelectually, it seemed like a good time to stop. I had voted in every election for 20 years, since I was 18, and looking back, I couldn't see one ocassion where it made a damn bit of difference. Besides the reasons given in this article, which are reasons I eventually came to hold too, the first thought I had was to stop because my enemy wants me to vote. Since the terrocrats are so desperate for me to vote, that they spend money advertising the message, "just vote, no matter who you vote for," I concluded that voting must help them, in some way. When my enemy wants me to do something, but I dont know why, I figure the best default strategy is to NOT do it.

Here, in Britain, the same "you have a duty to vote" nonsense is pushed in the media and in schools. Yet voter turnout keeps sinking lower and lower. I would like to add another reason to not vote. As more and more people cease voting, the terrocrats claims to legitamcy will become less and less credible. Besides, not voting is the least exspensive way to annoy the heck out of politicians.

Comment by Dave Hodges
Entered on:
Outstanding article.

I totally agree with your reasoning about tthe ARS statute legislatively obscuring the cheating that can take place when electronic voting is utilized. I am becoming convinced that political parties obscure an individuals right and ability to think for themselves. It is a group think process which appeals to the uninformed and the lazy who are unwilling to do their own research. Therefore, it is just easier to vote the party line!

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