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ICC Informs Mongolia It Must Arrest Putin When He Arrives

• Zero Hedge

The International Criminal Court is seeking to remind its members state Mongolia that it must detain Russian President Vladimir Putin when he arrives in the country which shares a border with Russia on Monday.

Any country that signed the Rome Statute, which Mongolia has done, will "have the obligation to cooperate in accordance with Chapter IX," a statement by The Hague-based court told the BBC.

ICC spokesman Fadi el-Abdallah went so far as to threaten significant repercussions for Mongolia if it does not comply. "In case of non-cooperation, ICC judges may make a finding to that effect and inform the Assembly of States Parties of it. It is then for the Assembly to take any measure it deems appropriate," he said.

The only exceptions that the Rome Statute does provide includes avoiding the violation of a treaty obligation with another country, or if an arrest would violate the "diplomatic immunity of a person or property of a third state."

To be expected, Ukraine too is calling on Mongolia to abide by its obligations with the International Criminal Court and arrest Putin.