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Epic Fail: 'There is NO progress on climate' – U.S. still consumes 82% of our energy from fo


Via the Committee to Unleash Prosperity: Kamala Explains Fracking Flip Flop

There is NO "progress on climate." Today we get more than 80% of our energy from fossil fuels – which is about exactly where we were five years ago – despite the hundreds of billions spent. ...

In 2023 the world burned more fossil fuels than at any other time in history. Here are the facts:

Global energy-related CO2 emissions increased by 1.7%, driven by China and India.

Fossil fuel consumption in 2023 reached a record high, rising by 1.5% to 505 exajoules.

China is by far the world's largest consumer of primary energy, burning 34% of world consumption 170.7.

Almost no country is meeting their UN anti-fossil fuel targets.

Via the Committee to Unleash Prosperity: Kamala Explains Fracking Flip Flop

It's entertaining to watch liberal operatives explain why Kamala is suddenly retreating from her radical positions on everything from the border wall, to the Green New Deal, to reparations, to fracking, to taxing unrealized capital gains, to Medicare for all, et al.

She says even though her positions shift with the political winds, "my values haven't changed."

But her campaign's explanation below for why she is now FOR fracking is a non sequitur.

As we've noted many times on these pages, there is NO "progress on climate." Today we get more than 80% of our energy from fossil fuels – which is about exactly where we were five years ago – despite the hundreds of billions spent.
