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News Link • Political Theory

Can the Dollar Survive a Civil War?

• by Martin Armstrong

COMMENT: It appears that your forecast for an American Civil War will also materialize. You have pointed out numerous times. People make immediate decisions like conquering Iraq and never think what is the end result. They Have done the same with these illegals. Thank you for pointing out the stupidity of their actions. What will happen when the checks stop. And then they want to disarm us. What a combination.


REPLY: This will probably be the last election in the United States, for we will most likely split into three regional governments. We will deal with that at the upcoming WEC. There is no question that post-election violence will be extreme. Whenever you have this winner-takes-all system and political corruption unfolds, the LEFT is not seeking to govern the nation; they are seeking to oppress all opponents. You are witnessing what the LEFT is doing in the UK.

Here is Tony Blair's apology. This is my point. They never think about what takes place after the rash action. This is what we will suffer because of the flood of illegals who are here for free everything vote Democrat. That is why they would NOT allow RFK to be in the Democratic primary. This has all been planned from the start. I told everyone that Biden would step down. They did the debate and ate their own, knowing he was mentally incompetent.