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IPFS News Link • Ukraine

Zelensky Calls For India Peace Summit In Effort To Get BRICS In Ukraine's Corner

•, by Tyler Durden

On Friday Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky unveiled that he's pushing for an international peace summit to be hosted by India aimed at ending the war with Russia. Zelensky reportedly raised the possibility with Narendra Modi during the Indian prime minister's first-ever visit to Kiev last week.

The proposal is clearly part of Zelensky's ongoing efforts to get powerful BRICS countries on board with Ukraine's own 'peace formula'. China has previously been a focus of Keiv's efforts, and now it appears Zelensky is pivoting efforts toward New Delhi.

Beijing, however has sat on the sidelines--particularly when it came to the June 2024 peace summit held in Switzerland--despite pressure from Kiev for the Xi government to lean on Putin to end the invasion.

As for this new diplomatic focus on India, Bloomberg writes:

A Zelenskiy spokesman, Serhiy Nykyforov, said Ukraine is weighing holding the follow-up summit in a country of the Global South, including India "in particular."

Ukraine's '10-point peace formula' includes the demand that Russian forces immediately withdraw from all places it occupies in the country's east (particularly the Donbass). But from Moscow's point of view (and perhaps China's) this is a non-starter.

Earlier this week Zelensky revealed that he intends to present the White House with a plan for victory against Russia.  He specified that his plan will also be directly presented to Vice President Kamala Harris as well as former President Donald Trump as the two candidates head into the November election.

"The plan is prepared. I think it's right that I first present this plan to the US President." Zelensky was quoted in Ukrainian media as saying. "The success of this plan depends on whether we get what is outlined in it, or if we are free to use what is included."

"Kursk region is part of our plan—Ukraine's victory plan. It may sound overly ambitious to some, but for us, it's an important plan," Zelensky had revealed.

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Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

One way to secretly get the US into BRICS. I need a beer.