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IPFS News Link • Food And Drug Administration / F.D.A

The FDA's War Against Sleep

• Daily News from the Art of Liberty Foundation

by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:

• The Power of Sleep: Proper sleep is essential for our health, and disruptions can lead to severe issues like heart attacks, psychiatric illnesses, car accidents, fatigue, diabetes, cognitive impairment, and dementia.

• A Widespread Epidemic: Poor sleep affects many due to a lack of understanding about its importance and the use of sedative sleeping pills that hinder healthy sleep. For instance, medical training often deprives students of sleep, despite its critical role in learning.

• The Forgotten Miracle Drug: In 1964, a remarkably effective sleeping medication hit the market, improving conditions like insomnia and overall health. However, its success threatened other drug markets. By 1990, the FDA and media launched a campaign against it, much like the case with ivermectin, resulting in the drug becoming almost unknown and many sleep disorders remaining untreated.

• What You'll Learn: This abridged article delves into the harms of poor sleep, explores common causes, and uncovers effective treatments for sleeping disorders.

One of the key themes I've tried to illustrate in my writings is that chronic illness has vastly increased over the last 150 years. A major cause of this is the disruption of the natural rhythms essential for our body's self-regulation and self-repair. 

Modern Medicine (Allopathy) often overlooks this concept because it doesn't recognize the innate health of the body. Allopathic treatments focus on stabilizing or altering the body (e.g., ICU care or surgery) and hoping it heals itself, unlike other medical systems that enhance the body's natural recovery capacity.