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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Just In Time, They Are Really Ramping Up The Fear For 3 Different Very Frightening Diseases

•, by Michael Snyder

We are just a little over two months away from November, and so this is a perfect time to deeply alarm the general public about a coming health crisis, right?  But this time around it isn't just one major disease that is making news.  As you will see below, people are freaking out about 3 different very frightening diseases. 

Of course when people are afraid that they might die from some extremely deadly outbreak, they are far more likely to accept measures that they would usually not even consider during normal times.

In the Northeast, there is a tremendous amount of concern about the Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus right now.  People in Massachusetts have been instructed to "limit their time outdoors" due to a confirmed case in that state, and now confirmed cases have appeared in Vermont and New Hampshire

Last week, it was reported that an 80-year-old man in Massachusetts tested positive for the rare virus, sparking public health concerns.

Officials then discovered the disease in mosquitoes across the state and warned residents to limit their time outdoors.

The virus then started appearing in neighboring states, with cases popping up in Vermont and New Hampshire, where the unidentified victim was pronounced dead.

It is being reported that this virus "has also been found in horses in eight New York counties".

So this virus is already in at least four different states, and that is not good news at all, because it has a very high death rate in humans…

Approximately 30 percent of those infected with the virus die, and those who survive, are often left with neurologic problems. There are no vaccines or medicines to treat or prevent the disease.

Usually, cases of Eastern Equine Encephalitis are quite rare.

But if hundreds of people start dying after catching this virus in the months ahead, we are going to see extreme panic.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by Rabbi Mike
Entered on:

More Germ lie Theory to scare the sheeple into hiding. The nourishing of Terrain of their soul's and body is what they need to wake up. Twistian read your bibles!
