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IPFS News Link • Propaganda

Extreme Gaslighting: Here Are 7 Signs That The Mainstream Media Is Flat Out Lying To Us...

• The Economic Collapse Blog - Michael Snyder

How many times have you heard the mainstream media tell you that the economy is doing just great in recent months? 

Personally, I have seen the word "booming" used over and over again to describe the economy, and it makes me sick.  The level of gaslighting that we are witnessing right now is off the charts.  Millions of Americans are sleeping in their vehicles, thousands of businesses are failing all over the nation, and most of the country now believes that the American Dream is no longer attainable.  If this is what a "booming" economy feels like, I would hate to see what would happen during a "recession".

I totally understand why the mainstream media is gaslighting us.  They want us to believe that everything is fine so that we will vote a certain way in November.  They have an agenda, and they are pushing it really hard.

But what they are telling us simply does not match up with reality.

The following are 7 signs that the mainstream media is flat out lying to us about the economy…

#1 Survey after survey has shown that the economy is the number one concern for American voters during this election season.  If the economy was in good shape, we would not be getting results like this

The economy was still the top issue for 26 percent of voters, per the poll. Threats to democracy and extremism came in second at 22 percent, and immigration was third at 13 percent.