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IPFS News Link • Science

Methane Baubles as slime molds?

• arclein

One summer afternoon, there had been a rain shower that left the air fresh. I looked at the clouds and saw a rainbow strangely close by. I followed its arc and to my amazement, the rainbow came down nearby. I headed toward the floating colors. They were suspended droplets or possibly bubbles, each revolving in various shimmering rainbow colors. I drove through the rainbow, a distance of about 30 or 40 feet, discovering that it stopped short of the ground and just above my car. I turned around and drove under it again, open-mouthed and wide-eyed, I'm sure. Nature's fleeting jewels hung above me as if on invisible strands from the sky, each one appearing to be about the size of a Christmas ornament. I drove under it again and again, while keeping back tears. ?" Marie L.