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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

The Wheels Have Started To Come Off For The U.S. Economy, And The Worst Is Yet To Come

• by Michael Snyd

The Biden administration and the mainstream media just kept insisting that everything was just fine even though everyone could clearly see that it wasn't.  But now reality is setting in.  Last week we got some numbers that Wall Street really didn't like, and a massive temper tantrum ensued.  The panic that we witnessed on Friday was quite breathtaking, and many are concerned that it could bleed over into the new week.  Investors are desperate for the Federal Reserve to cut interest rates, but so far the Fed has not moved.

On Friday, many were surprised when the employment numbers were much worse than anticipated

U.S. job growth cooled sharply in July while the unemployment rate unexpectedly rose to the highest level in nearly three years.