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IPFS News Link • Government Debt & Financing

Putting the National Debt Into Perspective We Can All Understand

•, By Mike Maharrey

The federal government ran another big deficit in June, as the national debt inches closer to $35 trillion.

$35 trillion USD.

Trillion with a 'T.'

That's an unfathomable number. It's meaningless to most people. We simply can't comprehend a number that big.

Let's try to put the $34.9 trillion national debt into perspective.

According to the National Debt Clock, every American citizen would have to write a check for $103,565 to pay off the national debt.

Of course, a lot of people don't pay taxes. That means the taxpayer burden is much higher. Every U.S. taxpayer would have to write a check for $266,953 to wipe out the debt.  And that's on top of the taxes we already pay!

To put it another way, $35 trillion is more than the total economies of China, Japan, Germany, and the UK combined.

Visualizing 1 Trillion


It's hard to wrap your head around how big 1 trillion is, much less 35 trillion. Here are a few factoids to help you visualize just how big that number is:

There are 1 million seconds in 11.5 days. A trillion seconds is about 32,000 years. 

If you could say one number every second, it would take about 11.5 million days to count to 1 trillion. 

If you had spent $1 million every day since the birth of Christ, you still wouldn't have spent $1 trillion.

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