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News Link • Future Predictions

The World of the Future

•, By Jayant Bhandari

More than 50% of Americans under eighteen are of non-European origin. Even if the USA were to end all immigration and stop the influx of refugees from its southern border, it would still become a non-European majority nation in just over a decade. This will only be a landmark, a point of no return. The inflection point, the swing vote from imported Third World cultures, however, started shifting the USA to increasing leftism, wokeism, and erratic foreign policy many decades ago.

The rest of the Western world, including Canada, is only a few steps behind the USA in becoming ethnically non-European majority countries. While institutions take time to change, the Western ones will increasingly resemble those of the Third World over time.

Not only will ethnic Europeans lose their majorities in their homelands, but their proportion of the world population is also falling precipitously. In 1955, the combined populations of North America and Europe comprised 27% of the global population, most of whom were of European ethnicity. By 2050, this combined proportion will have fallen to 11%, with half of this population being of non-European ethnicity.

Only a fool would think that this is something for the Third World people to celebrate, who lacking a moral and rational fabric, have no cohesiveness or civilization. Any stability they enjoyed was not due to their democracies but rather the fear of the USA's whip. Without a strong USA, the Third World (excluding China, which is the only Second World country), which has two-thirds of the world's population and continues to grow as a proportion of the global population, and is forever dependent on the West, will go feral, savage and barbaric and fall into tribal units, the way they existed before Europeans started colonizing them.

Contrary to the conventional view, Africa's population is growing faster today than in 1955, not just in absolute terms but also on a percentage basis. It has nothing to show for contributing to civilizational values—inventions, philosophical thoughts, etc.

The final layer of the Great Replacement is that in every society worldwide, intelligent, wise, and low-time preference individuals are being replaced by less intelligent ones due to dysgenic political and social policies.