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IPFS News Link • Corbett Report

They're Finally Revealing the Deep State . . . Here's Why!

•, by Corbett

Of course, everyone with their head screwed on straight already knew this, which is precisely why the MSM liars have been doing their absolute damndest to convince us that President Joseph Robinette Biden is so fit he's actually wearing out the White House's younger staffers! And, up until June 27, 2024, if you were to question any part of this Weekend at Biden's fable, you had to be prepared for the gaslighting of the century, you cheapfake-promoting Russian disinfo bot, you!

But after Biden's four-alarm garbage fire of a performance at the CNN Presidential (s)Election Debate last month, not even the professional presstitutes can play along with this charade anymore.

Hitherto, we've been asked to believe in the fairy tale that a man who can barely string three words together on a debate stage—let alone a man who refers to his running mate as "Vice President Trump" and confuses Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenky with Russian President Vladimir Putin—is actually single-handedly running the largest economy and the largest military on the planet.

But now, we're asked to believe in the fairy tale that all that "misinformation" about Biden's mental state has all suddenly come true and that the House Oversight Committee is going to get to the bottom of the question of who's really running the US government.

So, what on earth is really going on here? Read on to find out!