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IPFS News Link • Future Predictions

Trump's Return: Get Ready For Chaos To Be Unleashed And Blamed On You

• - Brandon Smith

The biggest moment of absurdity so far might be the first presidential debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, in which it was made abundantly clear for all the world to see that Biden is on the fast track to crazy town. We've been saying for four years that the guy is gone, a dementia case propped up and protected by the DNC and the media. Now, it's undeniable:

There's a vegetable sitting in the Oval Office and the nation is in a panic.

Leftists are panicking because they're now realizing their candidate is a farce, the emperor has no clothes and they bet all their cash on one very retarded race horse. Conservatives are celebrating, but also panicking because they think Biden in his senility might launch nukes at any moment.

There are even people calling for a 25th Amendment intervention to remove Biden because they actually think he makes decisions. He doesn't. Biden is a proxy for more powerful interests and always has been. Getting rid of Biden early doesn't solve the greater problem, nor would it prevent a nuclear Apocalypse (if that was ever the plan to begin with). Other people are making his decisions for him.

In the meantime, there are a host of surprises that could take place before November. As I noted in my article 'The Juggling Act: Is 2024 A Pivotal Year For The Globalists?' published in January, the election of 2024 is developing into its own Black Swan event. I stated that:

"…There is the potential for shock events, such as Biden stepping down at the last minute. Trump being arrested but winning anyway. Or, a major geopolitical crisis which is used by the Democrats as an excuse to "postpone" the election…"
