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IPFS News Link • Climate Change

The net zero "cure" is worse than the supposed climate change disease


There are two strategies to tackle climate change.  The first is the "mitigation strategy"; reducing greenhouse emissions to "net zero" as touted by the UN's  Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ("IPCC").  The second is the adaptation strategy which means taking measures to adjust to climate change.

Since time began, adaptation has always been successful – there's no reason why we can't continue to adapt.  In contrast, net zero has significant drawbacks. The drawbacks are not only that it is prohibitively expensive but net zero policies will have, and are already having, a devastating impact in the UK on both an individual and national level.

"Net zero is driving us to penury," Turver says.

Risks of Net Zero

By David Turver


We hear a lot about how we are supposedly in a climate crisis and how The Science™ tells us we are about to succumb to global boiling. Most climate activists claim that we must cut emissions by spending more money on windmills and solar panels or we will all burn to a crisp.

I would describe myself as a lukewarmer, by which I mean that I acknowledge the Earth is warming and that human emissions of CO2 have made some contribution to that warming. However, it is also true that the climate has changed dramatically without human intervention; clearly, there are other causes of climate change too.