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IPFS News Link • History

Doug Casey on Revisionist History and How the "Good Guys" Don't Always Win

• International Man - Doug Casey

International Man: Revisionist history refers to the re-examination and reinterpretation of historical events, which can be done to correct inaccuracies, update understanding, or challenge prevailing narratives.

This just sounds like applying critical thinking to history.

What's your take?

Doug Casey: The essence of critical thinking is to question every proposition and then investigating the answers for accuracy and logic. It's important to pursue answers to their root causes and never accept things at face value.

The problem with history, certainly as it's taught in schools, is that its many versions are presented as fact with no nuance. Looking at history is very much like examining an elephant, where one person feels a leg and thinks it's a tree trunk, and another feels the elephant's trunk and thinks it's a snake.

It's said that the CIA made up the term "revisionist history" during the 60s as an aid to debunking interpretations they didn't like. The powers that be, the establishment, don't like revisionism for at least two reasons.
