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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

So, You're Willing To Give 'Them' Another Go? Think That Bird Flu Might Not Be A Lie...

•, by Meryl Dorey

So when I see headlines like this, the first question that comes to mind is … which half?

Of course, it will be the half that marches in lockstep to government dictates. The one that doesn't think or question or wonder why all of a sudden, we are having these pandemics year after year. Why we and our children are getting sicker and sicker whilst more and more money is thrown into the drug and vaccine honeypot?

Bend Over And Say MOOOOO

I had to laugh the other day when I heard that Deborah Birx, a liar of Fauci-like proportions, was saying that cows need to be tested every week to see if they might have Bird Flu…er, Cow Flu…whatever! I thought – who the hell would buy that pile of steaming cow flop from someone who has proved to be so untrustworthy?

But, some countries do 'ave 'em.

Once again, they are talking about asymptomatic infections. In other words – HEALTHY ANIMALS! There is NO such thing as asymptomatic. You are either sick or you're not. And if you are sick, you don't need a swab to confirm it.

You heard it here first, folks! You may have bird flu and not even know it. But you can die from it anyway. Because – panic sells newspapers! Fear sells drugs. Terror elects the wrong people to government – the ones who promise to keep us safe whilst introducing policies that will lead to our and our children's early deaths.

Fool Me Once…

What is wrong with people? The person interviewing Birx in the clip above should have been dissolving in laughter at the ridiculousness of what they were being told. Instead, Birx is an honoured guest, and the consumers of these lies are sitting there wondering if it is still safe to breathe without a muzzle.

So far, in a country of approximately 340 million people (the United States) there have been 4 cases – 1 since this article was published. And by CASE, I mean 4 people who had positive PCR tests when we know for a fact that 97% of positive PCR test results are incorrect.