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IPFS News Link • Voting and Elections

How Does Anyone Still Care About This B.S.?


I truly do not see how anyone can still give a fuck about this bullshit. It's so obvious at this point that the US is being run by unelected empire managers who throw up half-dead, half-brained presidential candidates to trick Americans into thinking they live in a democracy. Those empire managers are going to do whatever they want to you regardless of how you and your compatriots vote. Your electoral system is a fake plastic toy they give you to play with so you won't interfere with the gears of the imperial machine. 

There are no answers in electoral politics. Start looking for answers elsewhere.

Another military coup was thwarted in Bolivia on Wednesday when the people flooded the streets in support of their socialist government.

Everything in our society is geared toward making the people forget how many of us there are and how easy it would be for us to impose our will by rising up in massive numbers. The global south is the only place where anything real is happening politically these days.

The way US officials keep falsely asserting that Israel has accepted a peace deal and Hamas is the only party rejecting it reminds me of that time they kept insisting that the real president of Venezuela was some random guy they chose for the position. They're just trying to impose a narrative which has no factual basis whatsoever by rote repetition and sheer force of will.

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