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IPFS News Link • Sovereignty

There Is No Possibility of Sovereignty as Long as the US Empire Exists

•, By Caitlin Johnstone

You can't separate agendas of sovereignty and self-determination from the massive global power structure which backs those stated agendas for its own interests. You have to be real about this.

You can't separate the agenda of national sovereignty and self-determination for the Jewish people from the US-centralized empire's agenda to dominate and destabilize the middle east. You have to be real about the fact that those agendas are inseparably intertwined, and about the fact that Israel being a permanent part of the US power structure isn't actually independence and self-determination. And you have to respond to this reality accordingly.

You can't separate the agenda of national sovereignty and self-determination for the Ukrainians from the US-centralized empire's agenda to weaken Russia and absorb it into the imperial power structure. You have to be real about the fact that these agendas are intertwined, and that the empire actually wants to dominate Ukraine for itself. You can't just psychologically compartmentalize away from this reality to make your infantile Good Guys vs Bad Guys view of this conflict make sense.

You can't separate the agenda of national sovereignty and self-determination for Taiwan from the US-centralized empire's agenda to weaken, balkanize and subjugate China. You have to be real about the fact that the powerful people claiming to want Taiwanese "independence" actually want a vassal state off mainland China's coast from which Beijing can be undermined and encircled, and that the salami tactics we're seeing to pull Taiwan into the western power structure are inseparably intertwined with the advocacy for an independent Taiwan.

You can't separate the agenda of national sovereignty and self-determination for the Kurds from the US-centralized empire's agenda to balkanize, regime change and absorb Syria. You have to be real about the fact that this imperial agenda is inseparably interwoven with the agenda to create the "Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria" aka Rojava, which is being carved away from Syria at immense cost to Damascus with the direct facilitation of the US war machine. You can't just pretend this isn't happening and act like there's some kind of organic anarchist movement there that is somehow separable from these agendas.