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News Link • Political Theory

Tonight's Debate Is Over Power, Not Freedom

• Jacob Hornberger - FFF

Who is going to wield the reins of power over the welfare-regulatory-warfare state? Will it be Biden and the Democrats or will it be Trump and the Republicans? Which ones will wield the power to tax, regulate, control, direct, command, conscript, sacrifice, torture, or assassinate us? Equally important, which ones will wield the power to give us tax-funded welfare largess, including Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, educational grants, subsidies, bailouts, and all the rest of the welfare-warfare state benefits.

From a libertarian standpoint, it won't make any difference whether it's Biden or Trump who wins the presidency. That's because it is the welfare-state system, the regulatory-state system, and the warfare-state system, not Biden and Trump, that are the problem. It's the system that destroys freedom, not the people who manage the system, that is the problem.