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IPFS News Link • Korea/North Korea

Putin & Kim Sign Pact Vowing Mutual Defense If Attacked

•, by Tyler Durden

The two leaders on Wednesday signed a new strategic partnership which is centered on a commitment of mutual aid if either country faces "aggression"; however, details were not immediately clear and it could stop short of being a full war treaty. Putin's first trip to North Korea in 24 years has been expectedly chummy as he and Kim thumb their noses at the West and US-led sanctions.

Putin said to reporters following the signing of the pact that it's defensive in nature and promises "mutual assistance" if either country is attacked, calling it a "breakthrough" agreement that takes ties to a "new level".

Al Jazeera's Rob McBride aptly described that the two leaders sought "to put on a united face to the world in spite of the various crises they face."

"It was a show of strength, a show of unity, heralding what they believe and want other people to believe is a new era in their relations," he observed. "It has all culminated in the signing of a new agreement between the two, which according to Putin forms the basis of relations for years to come."

During the Tuesday night into Wednesday visit, Kim declared his "full support and solidarity" for Russia's war in Ukraine