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IPFS News Link • Crime

As Inflation Rises, Prepare For Crime

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As central banks in Europe and Canada cut interest rates, and expectations remain that the Fed will wait to cut until at least September if it cuts this year at all, our endlessly-wise global central bankers, the benevolent all-knowing stewards of the global economy, can't seem to agree on what steps are needed to cool inflation back down to reasonable levels. 

But with no hope of ever setting interest rates truly high enough to properly tame price increases and stop the debasement of their ever-depreciating fiat currencies, inflation is set to keep ripping upward no matter what they decide. And when an increasing number of people can't afford basic necessities, it isn't rocket science (and doesn't require a PhD in economics) to figure out what comes next.

From the early 90s to 2022, crime drastically decreased — something that police chiefs, political candidates, and the FBI love to boast about. But the real picture is quite a bit more complex. For example, while the US murder rate in 2020 was still much lower than it was in the early 90s, murder also saw its most dramatic single-year increase ever recorded in that same year. It isn't hard to see how during the pandemic response — which turned the world into a fishbowl of terror, isolation, confusion, upheaval, and chaos — murders skyrocketed.

While the pandemic was a unique Black Swan event, and the murder rate has normalized and come back down since that very murderous year, economic crises lead to similar conditions of desperation, loneliness, and general despondence. Currently, most forms of violent crime are down in the US in comparison. But from 2019-2023, for example, car thefts rose by an astonishing 28.5%.

In 2022, instead of declining after the smoke had cleared from COVID lockdowns (and the "stimulus" checks had all been spent), property crimes like larceny and car theft went up almost 7%.