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IPFS News Link • Biden-Harris Deep Fake Administration

Are Convicted Felon Hunter Biden's Legal Woes About to Get 'Much More Serious'?

•, By Mike Miller

By now, all of America is aware that Hunter Biden was found guilty on Tuesday by a jury of his peers on the three federal felony charges he faced, including lying to a federally licensed firearms dealer and illegally possessing a firearm while on narcotics. 

Yeah, so what comes next?

Joe Biden's wayward son faces a maximum of 25 years in prison, but the federal sentencing guideline for illegally possessing a firearm, Hunter's most serious offense, is 15-21 months, although most offenders get less time. Moreover, as a first-time offender convicted of a non-violent (gun crime) crime, he could also avoid jail time altogether. 

As for sentencing, defendants found guilty in Delaware federal court are typically sentenced within 120 days of conviction, which would place Hunter's no later than a month before the November 5 election.

Hunter's Sentencing Likely to Be the Least of His Legal Woes to Come

George Washington University Law School professor and Fox News legal analyst Jonathan Turley believes Hunter's guilty verdict on felony weapons charges changes the equation with respect to his more serious criminal cases to come — along with his "perjury" before Congress. Turley told Fox News:

His counsel has got to refocus on that tax case, they are going into that case now with a convicted felon. Now, these are very different types of claims, but there is a third front developing. Congress just referred what I consider to be a very strong case for a perjury investigation of Hunter Biden after his testimony before Congress.

While Turley thinks crooked-as-hell Attorney General Merrick Garland is "going to basically scuttle that referral," the legal expert says it would be a problem. 

But the problem is that the House seems to have Hunter Biden dead to rights … on those perjury claims. It is hard to see how what he said before Congress was true. It is a much more serious offense. It is currently sitting on the desk of Merrick Garland.

It may be "hard to see," Professor Turley, but, after all, Merrick Garland is Merrick Garland.

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