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IPFS News Link • Food Shortages

"We Are Going To Run Out Of Food" - 5 Reasons There's Going To Be A Global Famine In T


We are truly moving into unprecedented times.  For decades, the U.S. has been the leading agricultural power in the world.  Most of us have lived our entire lives in an environment of "more than enough", and that is because food production has never been a major concern in this nation.  But now things are changing.  Food production is being hit from all sides by a "perfect storm" of problems, and this "perfect storm" is only going to intensify in the months ahead.  The following are 5 reasons why the food supply in the United States is going to continue to shrink…

#1 Are you ready to eat less beef?  The worst drought in the western half of the country "in 1,200 years" is forcing countless ranchers to reduce the size of their herds.  As a result, "beef production is expected to decline by 7%" by 2025…