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IPFS News Link • CDC-Center for Disease Control

The Government's War on "Backyard" Farms


On the front page of the CDC website, is the following headline:

Which then opens into the following:

• Are you ready to give away your chickens?

• Move from the country?

• Wear gloves and a mask when caring for backyard chickens?

• Stop buying eggs from your local farmer

• or, all of the above?

But hold your horses, reading further into the report - here are the numbers:

Out of 330 million people in the USA in 2024, 109 have gotten sick from Salmonella and have some association with backyard poultry this year.

A further dig into the CDC archives reveals that for the past six years, the CDC has conducted successive investigative "reports" on Salmonella outbreaks linked to backyard poultry. In fact, they write numerous articles on the subject each year.