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IPFS News Link • Russia

Putin Calls 'Bulls**t' On 'Plans' To Attack NATO, Says He's Not Brandishing Nucl

• Zero Hedge

President Vladimir Putin has continued to address some trends out of the West related to Ukraine... and specifically the way European and US leaders have reacted to the recent escalation in Kharkiv oblast and in the east. Officials in the UK, Germany, and France have of late signaled to their populations that Europe must be 'war ready' and on a war footing.

Some have even claimed that Russia is readying to attack NATO countries and that it seeks to expand the conflict beyond Ukraine. For example, on Wednesday German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius claimed that "Putin won't stop at Ukraine's borders Russia is a threat to Georgia, Moldova & ultimately to NATO."

He claimed in an address before German parliament: "Putin's war economy is working towards another conflict. We must be ready for war by 2029."

On Friday during a lengthy, wide-ranging discussion panel at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF), Putin responded to these statements which say he's looking to attack a NATO country.

"Look, someone has imagined that Russia wants to attack NATO. Have you gone completely insane? Are you as thick as a plank? Who came up with this nonsense, this bulls**t?" Putin said, as translated by Russian media.
