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IPFS News Link • Science, Medicine and Technology

LEAKED EMAIL: Scientist Working On Mysterious Brain Disease Was "CUT OFF" For "POLITI

• - Press for Truth - Dan Dicks

A leading federal scientist claimed he wasn't allowed to keep investigating a mystery neurological illness that made hundreds of people sick in New Brunswick, according to a leaked email!

Dr. Michael Coulthart, who is the head of the Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease Surveillance System, wrote last October that he had been "essentially cut off" from working on the file at the public health level for reasons he could "only discern to be political." He said he was worried there are more than 200 people experiencing unexplained neurological decline.

In this video Dan Dicks of Press For Truth continues his coverage of this mystery disease of a "mysterious origin" that continues to plague the people of New Brunswick!

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