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IPFS News Link • Deep State- Shadow Government

Will The Deep State Really Try To Put Donald Trump In Jail? Roger Stone Says Yes – The StoneZONE!

•, The Roger Stone Zone

Stone points out that Judge Juan Merchan has enormous discretion and could issue a custodial sentence which would require immediate incarceration of the former president unless the judge stayed the prison sentence.

Stone and Smith discuss the possibility of Trump seeking an appeal in New York State with the understanding that if the state courts refused, he would have a path to take the matter to the US Supreme Court based on the denial of due process.

Stone and Smith also talked with Florida Republican Assembly activist Lou Marin, who spoke about efforts by establishment Republicans to divide the party as well as efforts by the Republican Party of Florida to get Florida Republican Assembly to drop the word "Republican" from their name

Conservative El Salvadoran activist Herbert Esmahan discusses the inauguration of President Nayib Bukele, which he attended over the weekend.

