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Pro-Palestinian Protesters To "Surround The White House" Next Weekend Over Rafah Strike

•, by Tyler Durden

In the wake of a deadly Israeli strike at a tent camp in Rafah last week which produced horrific viral footage of charred corpses, days after the International Court of Justice ordered Israel to immediately halt military operations, and miles beyond Biden's 'red line' (using US bombs, no less), pro-Palestine, anti-war activists are taking to the White House one week from today.

ANSWER (Act Now to Stop War and End Racism), an anti-war group founded three days after the September 11, 2001 attacks, has launched an event to "Get on a bus to DC" and "Surround the White House for Palestine."

"June 8 marks 8 months of US-Israeli genocide of the Palestinian people, and marks the 54th anniversary of the occupation of Gaza. A month ago, Biden said that the invasion of Rafah was a red line. But now, the invasion of Rafah has continued for weeks, has expanded to the entire Gaza Strip, Biden's red line is nowhere to be seen," ANSWER wrote on its website

The group continued, "Biden can't draw the line, but we can. On June 8, we will come together from across the country and surround the White House." 

"On June 8th, tens of thousands will show Biden that the people are his red line — we refuse to allow him to continue the genocide against the people of Gaza! Instead of a red line, Biden gave a green light to Netanyahu's invasion of Rafah by agreeing to send more U.S. bombs and missiles. While the government that speaks in our name arms the genocidal Israeli regime to the teeth, the people want freedom for Palestine," said Brian Becker, National Director of ANSWER.

Meanwhile, progressive outlet People's Dispatch notes that a diverse range of 'anti-imperialist groups' are supporting the mass demonstration.
