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IPFS News Link • Pandemic

Bird Flu: Everything You Need To Know To Prepare and Live WITHOUT Fear! - Dr. Stella Immanuel

•, Flyover Conservatives

Yet Dr. Immanuel has been ripped in the media and even by the medical community, who say the drug not only doesn't work but is harmful—the complete opposite of her experience. Her videos and accounts have been blocked on social media. The backlash has been so intense that she began to wonder if more sinister forces weren't behind the attacks against her and other doctors who advocate using hydroxychloroquine to treat COVID.

From unassuming Houston physician to one of the Left's favorite punching bags. A minister as well as a physician, Dr. Immanuel also exposes the dark spiritual agenda she believes is behind the medical community's opposition to hydroxychloroquine as a COVID treatment and the vaccination push. Despite intense opposition, Dr. Immanuel refuses to be silenced. She issues a clarion call to believers and all who love liberty to stand boldly against the spiritual and natural forces that are threatening Americans' health and the future of the nation.


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