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IPFS News Link • Russia

Putin Decree Allows Seizure Of US Property & Assets If Russian Funds Taken By West

• Zero Hedge

On Thursday Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree which paves the way for the government to conduct legal seizure of any US assets in Russia, including property and real estate.

This in retaliation and in order to compensate for any Russian assets that are taken by the US, at a moment Washington is forging ahead with a joint plan with the EU to generate profits for Ukraine and its defense, utilizing frozen Russian assets.

1 Comments in Response to

Comment by PureTrust
Entered on:

Tricky, tricky. What this means is that the US DARE NOT let Russia win the Ukraine war. Why not? Because US companies own as much as 60% of the farmland in Ukraine. If Ukraine loses the war and becomes Russia, Monsanto will lose a big chunk of land. If this happens, hopefully Russia will clean up the Monsanto poisons that are being sprayed on Ukraine crops.