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IPFS News Link • Globalism

In Hindsight: Pandemic or Global Reset?

• Activist Post

y Rosanne Lindsay, Naturopath

People say hindsight is 20/20. So what happened in 2020?

The following is an update of an April 2020 blog.  Sometimes it is easier to look back to see a pattern, rather than connecting the dots as they are coalescing.

Recapitulation to a Reset

What if 100-year pandemics occurred in 1720 (Plague), 1820 (Cholera), 1920 (Spanish Flu), and 2020 (SARS-Covid), as backdrops to resets of world government, economy, currency, electronic communications, religion, and social interactions? Would you be able to see a transition from freedom to slavery as it played out?

What if the loss of freedoms happened under a narrative of  "safety" or "unity?"