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Here's What a Prepper Learned Surviving a Flood of Biblical Proportions

•, Fabian Ommar

A similar yet even bigger tragedy is unfolding, this time in Brazil's southernmost state of Rio Grande do Sul. 

Earlier this month, it rained more than half the volume expected for the entire year in a few days. According to the Brazilian Geological Service (SBG), a rare confluence of conditions amplified by the El Niño phenomenon caused deluges so off-the-charts technicians thought the monitoring equipment was malfunctioning. It wasn't, unfortunately.

Natural events like that happen all the time around the world. Rain season is causing floods in East Africa, with more than 400 deaths and a cholera outbreak thanks to the same El Niño phenomenon. Tsunamis, tornadoes, hurricanes, volcanoes, earthquakes, snow storms – the planet is alive. The forces of nature are constantly hitting somewhere to humble us.

Even though the number of deaths in the Rio Grande do Sul floods – more than 150 at the moment – is a fraction of those caused by Hurricane Katrina, the level of devastation is being compared to that of New Orleans in 2005. The floods impacted over 400 of the state's 497 municipalities; 850.000 people were affected, and 185.000 had to leave their homes. Hundreds are still missing. 

It's not over, and the worst is yet to come.
Last week, the sky cleared for a few days, providing some respite and allowing rescue and assistance efforts to advance. However, the rain has returned, and the waters are rising again. The streets of most cities have turned into rivers, and the only way to move around is by helicopter, boat, jet ski, or canoes. Off-road 4X4s have limited reach but are making a difference where they can travel.

This disaster has hit hard for me because I've lived part of my infancy in Rio Grande do Sul's capital, Porto Alegre. My parents have friends and relatives there, and even those not directly affected by the floods are in a dire situation thanks to the semi-paralyzed economy. Rio Grande do Sul is more extensive than the UK, Ecuador, or the state of Nevada. Now imagine 80% of a populated region that large underwater to have an idea of the catastrophe.  
