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IPFS News Link • Vaccines and Vaccinations

mRNA Vaccines Permanently Alter DNA of the Vaxxed & Their Offspring -- Censored Study

•, Sean Miller

Dr. Peter McCullough posted a video to X (formerly Twitter) on Thursday which focused on censorship by LinkedIn of a study which documented how mRNA gene therapy 'vaccines' such as the Covid shots permanently alter the genetics of the vaccinated and their progeny via insertion of mRNA into the human DNA.

"The Pfizer and Moderna genetic code is permanently installed into the human genome," McCullough said. "So as we sit here today we have to reconcile that Pfizer and Moderna potentially could have permanently changed the human genome."

The doctor went on to say that conclusive research has not yet been conduct to confirm if the entire mRNA sequence is permanently incorporated into DNA, as he hopes the body will edit it out, yet it's a strong possibility that mankind has forever been fundamentally altered, something he referred to as 'very disturbing'.

McCullough also discussed the concern that the Pfizer and Moderna genetic code has imbedded itself within sex cells, causing permanent mutations for all offspring of the vaccinated lineage.
