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IPFS News Link • United Kingdom

Playing God documentary: 50 years of medical democide in the UK


The film is a result of journalist and author Jacqui Deevoy's investigation into medical democide in the UK over the last 50 years.

To create Playing God, Deevoy, co-producer and presenter of the 2021 Ickonic film 'A Good Death?', teamed up with the award-winning directors Naeem and Ash Mahmood and co-producer Phil Graham.

The making of the film has been made possible through crowdfunding. On the website where you can donate to the project, Deevoy wrote:

The stories we've heard from our contributors whilst filming have been both heartbreaking and horrifying but they've finally spoken out and there's no going back. Their loved ones have all been victims of blatant medical democide and they're all seeking justice.

Playing God gives a voice to the previously voiceless, a platform to those who've been fighting the system in order to get to the truth of the horrors that have befallen their families. The film aims to expose the government for what it really is. These stories MUST be heard.

By exposing the truth, the film hopes to put an end to the death and destruction caused by the UK government's policies. It is a call to action, urging viewers to demand change and hold those responsible accountable.

You can watch the jaw-dropping exposé Playing God below embedded from Rumble. If you are unable to watch it on Rumble,  you can watch it on UK Column or Children's Health Defense.  The producers still need funds to help market it as widely as possible, please help them if you possibly can.