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IPFS News Link • Trump Administration

BREAKING: Democrat Politicians, Socialists, and Far Left Open Borders Groups Announce Plans...

•, By Jim Hoft

EVERYONE IN AMERICA Knows things were better under President Trump – no matter what garbage the media is pushing. And EVERYTHING is worse under Joe Biden. The Marxist left is destroying the country. And it's not likely to get any better as long as Democrats hold on to power.

Last week President Donald Trump announced he will hold a rally in South Bronx, New York this Thursday to "highlight the horrendous effects Crooked Joe Biden's presidency had had on our economy,: according to a statement released by the former president's campaign Friday.

This announcement comes after President Trump delivered remarks to a massive crowd of roughly 100,000 supporters in Wildwood, New Jersey.

This is an unprecedented move for a Republican candidate. It's been a long time coming.

But not everyone is excited to see President Trump come to the Bronx.

Far-left groups, open borders groups, Socialists, and Marxists are planning to protest President Trump's rally tomorrow at Cotrona Park in the Bronx.

Far-left Democrat and New York City Assemblymember Amanda Septimo called on fellow socialists to counter-protest Trump's speech. They want Bronx residents to continue to suffer.

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