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U.S. National Security is now admitting Brain Control tech exists and people have been injured by it

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May 8th, 2024: Intelligence Hearing

Helping American Victims Afflicted by Neurological Attacks Act of 2021 or the HAVANA Act of 2021

This bill specifically authorizes the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of State, and other agencies to provide payments to agency personnel who incur brain injuries from hostilities while on assignment.

Specifically, the bill allows agency personnel and their families to receive payments for brain injuries that are incurred (1) during a period of assignment to a foreign or domestic duty station; (2) in connection with war, insurgency, hostile acts, terrorist activity, or other agency-designated incidents; and (3) not as the result of willful misconduct.

For a more insight into this important subject see my interview with Professor James Giordano who also worked for DARPA