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IPFS News Link • Healthcare

The Reality of Medical Care in a Collapsed Country

• Organic Prepper - J G Martinez

This is nothing easy, nor pleasant to write about.

I won't sugarcoat anything, because there is no way to do it.

I had an accident and lost part of a finger with a wood planer.

There will be no images, but in the future, you will have proof of this, so you can verify that indeed happened. For the time being, the wound is too gross to show it. Please indulge me on that one.

I had years with that tool, though, and it was an unfortunate distraction.

However, it has been a painful lesson and an eye-opener.

I don't want to even think if this would have happened back in 2016 when getting antibiotics was easily 500% more expensive.

I needed help.

Once the event happened, I didn't even have the clarity of mind to call 911. I went out of the house, trembling, and called for help from some contractors who were laboring in some neighbors' homes. Then I went inside to look for my keys, poured some tap water over the wound, got some toilet paper, wrapped my finger with it, grabbed a jar of oxygenated water, and cleaned the wound again. I was sweating incredibly and close to fainting, so I opened the fridge, and poured two glasses of water, drinking them one after another, to supply the lost blood and hydrate myself.

One of the neighbors promptly came in, rushing me to get on his truck, which I did. The heat was incredible that day, and it didn't help. The AC was a blessing, so I could relax a little. My kind neighbor drove me to the nearest ER: the clinic of the oil company employees. They usually attend emergencies for non-employees, so they made me sit on a chair in the waiting room, wrote down my data, and gave me a jab of painkiller. Which was a very pleasant surprise as most of the hospitals in the country lack resources.

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