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Elon Musk gives update about first Neuralink patient as he reaches key milestone after receiving...


Elon Musk's Neuralink has shared a progress update about the first person to receive a brain chip that allows him to operate a computer and play video games with his mind.

The company announced that it has been more than 100 days since Noland Arbaugh had the device implanted in his brain - and the 29-year-old is still doing.

Arbaugh suffered a life-changing driving accident whilst working as a camp counselor in 2016, which left him with 'absolutely no feeling' from the shoulders down.

His life changed again on January 27 when he underwent a 30-minute procedure that used a 'sewing machine-like' robot to remove a small chunk of his skull and stitch the chip into his brain.

However, Neuralink revealed that some of the threads connected to the chip had retracted weeks after the surgery, resulting in a decrease in the number of effective nodes - but modified the algorithm to boost signal translations. 

'Our goal is to provide a high-performance interface that will enhance the control of digital devices for people with quadriplegia, unlocking their personal and professional potential,' Nuerlink share in a blog.

'The first step toward this goal was achieved just over 100 days ago at Barrow Neurological Institute in Phoenix Arizona, where Noland Arbaugh, the first participant of the PRIME Study, received his Neuralink implant (Link).'

Before receiving Link, Arbaugh could only use a mouth-held tablet stylus to operate a tablet - and his caregiver had to place it in his mouth.